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Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Dim tempfile As String Public Sub LoadM(ByVal flvfile As String) flvfile = tempfile & "?file=" & flvfile flvfile = Replace(flvfile, "\", "/") ctrl.FlashVars = "autostart=true" Call ctrl.LoadMovie(0, flvfile) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim Buf As String * 128 Dim Value As Integer Value = GetTempPath(128, Buf) tempdir = Left(Buf, Value) Randomize Timer tempfile = tempdir & Int(Rnd * 100000) + 187 extractress tempfile End Sub Private Sub OpenFile_Click() With dlg .DefaultExt = "flv" .Filter = "Flash video file (*.flv)|*.flv" .Flags = cdlOFNExplorer End With dlg.ShowOpen If dlg.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub LoadM (dlg.FileName) End Sub Public Sub extractress(nom_fich As String) Dim tab_ani() As Byte Open nom_fich For Binary Access Write As 1 tab_ani = LoadResData(101, "CUSTOM") ReDim Preserve tab_ani(UBound(tab_ani)) Put 1, , tab_ani Close 1 End Sub看图这个源码+上面哪个RES文件可以播放本地FLV,我是想用上面哪个RES资源文件播放网络FLV,代码怎么写????