VC ++中 怎么没这个库函数啊??
那个textcolor 要用什么头文件的啊??
#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h>
void main() { int NUM,I; struct STUDENT { char NAME[30]; int AGE; char ID[10]; }; struct STUDENT STD[100];
clrscr(); textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); cprintf("\nHow many student do you have? Input the number:"); scanf("%d",&NUM); textcolor(CYAN); for(I=1;I<=NUM;I++) { cprintf("\nInput student %d -- name:",I); scanf("%s",&STD[I-1].NAME); cprintf("\nInput student %d -- age:",I); scanf("%d",&STD[I-1].AGE); cprintf("\nInput student %d -- ID:",I); scanf("%s",&STD[I-1].ID); } textcolor(YELLOW); cprintf("\nTo see the RESULT,Press Any Key... ..."); getch(); textcolor(WHITE); for(I=1;I<=NUM;I++) { printf("\n student %d -- name:%s",I,STD[I-1].NAME); printf("\n student %d -- age:%d",I,STD[I-1].AGE); printf("\n student %d -- ID:%s",I,STD[I-1].ID); } textcolor(YELLOW); cprintf("\nPress Any Key To EXIT... ..."); getch(); }