
import pygame as pg import sys import random import time pg.init() game_window = pg.display.set_mode((600, 500)) pg.display.set_caption('接球游戏') score = 0 font = pg.font.Font(None, 60) window_color = (0, 0, 0) ball_color = (0, 255, 0) rect_color = (255, 0, 0) ball_x = random.randint(20, 580) ball_y = random.randint(20, 480) move_x = 1 move_y = 1 points = 1 count = 0 while True: game_window.fill(window_color) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: print(score) sys.exit() mouse_x, mouse_y = pg.mouse.get_pos() pg.draw.circle(game_window, ball_color, (ball_x, ball_y), 20) pg.draw.rect(game_window, rect_color, (mouse_x, 490, 100, 10)) ball_x += move_x ball_y += move_y my_score = font.render(str(score), False, (0, 238, 238)) game_window.blit(my_score, (500, 30)) if ball_x <= 20 or ball_x >= 580: move_x = -move_x if ball_y <= 20: move_y = -move_y elif (mouse_x - 20 < ball_x < mouse_x + 120) and ball_y >= 470: move_y = -move_y score += points count += 1 if count == 5: count = 0 points *= 2 if move_x > 0: move_x += 1 else: move_x -= 1 move_y -= 1 elif ball_y > 480 and (ball_x <= mouse_x - 20 or ball_x >= mouse_x + 120): ball_y = 490 break pg.display.update() time.sleep(0.005) print(score)