[此贴子已经被作者于2016-12-19 01:02编辑过]
Close Databases all Select xm,bm,whcd,dm from 花名单,标准 where 花名单.whcd==标准.文化程度 into cursor hmd Select distinct bm from 花名单 into array ajg * 创建临时表结构及索引 lcstr="" for lnI=1 to alen(ajg,1) lcstr=lcstr+iif(empty(lcstr),"",",")+alltrim(ajg[lnI,1])+" N(3)" endfor create cursor tjb (文化程度 c(20),dm c(2),人数 n(4),&lcstr) Append From 表1 fields 文化程度,dm index on dm tag xl * 数据处理 select hmd set relation to dm into tjb Scan bm1=Alltrim(bm) Replace (bm1) with Evaluate(bm1)+1 in tjb EndScan set relation to Select tjb For i=1 to 6 =tj(i) endfor browse ******** 自定义函数 ******** Function tj Parameters ii Select tjb Local asj[6,Fcount()-3] * 设置统计条件 Do case Case ii=1 ctj='Between(dm,"03","05")' n=2 Case ii=2 ctj='Between(dm,"08","09")' n=8 Case ii=3 ctj='Between(dm,"11","12")' n=10 Case ii=4 ctj='inlist(dm,"07","08","10")' n=6 Case ii=5 ctj='Between(dm,"14","15")' n=13 Case ii=6 ctj='inlist(dm,"02","06","13")' n=1 EndCase * 列人数合计 For j=4 to Fcount() Sum evaluate(Field(j)) to asj[ii,j-3] for &ctj replace (Field(j)) with asj[ii,j-3] for Recno()=n EndFor * 行人数合计 If ii=6 cstr="" For iii=4 to Fcount() cstr=cstr+"+"+(Field(iii)) EndFor Replace all 人数 with Evaluate(cstr) EndIf