那个case和sum 那种方法是怎么用的.谢谢高手指点!
select name as 姓名, sum(语文) as 语文,sum(数学) as 数学,sum(英语) as 英语, sum(语文)+sum(数学)+sum(英语) as 总分
select name,
case course when '语文' then score else 0 end as 语文,
case course when '数学' then score else 0 end as 数学,
case course when '英语' then score else 0 end as 英语
from students
) a
group by name
order by 总分 desc
select distinct name 姓名
(select score
from students a
where course='语文'
and a.name=b.name) as 语文
(select score
from students a
where course='英语'
and a.name=b.name) as 英语
(select score
from students a
where course='数学'
and a.name=b.name) as 数学
from students b
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