#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
// 数据结构
struct WordItem // 字典项目
char word[30]; // 单词
size_t frequency; // 出现频率
// 全局常数
const size_t MaxWordsNumber = 1000; // 最大单词数目
const char* seps = " .,()*%!'\"\n";
// 函数原型
void Pause(void);
void ReadWords(char* text, const char* seps, WordItem* dictionary);
void ListDictionary(const WordItem* dictionary, size_t count);
size_t FindWord(const char* word, const WordItem* dictionary, size_t count);
// 程序主入口
int main(void)
char text[] = "vb. To translate all the source code of a program from a high-level language into object code prior \
to execution of the program. Object code is executable machine code or a variation of machine code. \
More generally, compiling is sometimes used to describe translating any high-level symbolic description \
into a lower-level symbolic or machine-readable format. A program that performs this task is known as \
a compiler. See also compiler (definition 2), compile time, high-level language, machine code, source \
code. Compare interpret.";
WordItem* dictionary = (WordItem*) calloc(MaxWordsNumber, sizeof(WordItem));
ReadWords(text, seps, dictionary);
ListDictionary(dictionary, MaxWordsNumber);
// 暂停程序等待按键继续
void Pause(void)
printf_s("\nPress any key to continue...");
// 输出字典数组明细
void ListDictionary(const WordItem* dictionary, size_t count)
for (size_t index = 0; (index < count) && (strlen(dictionary[index].word) > 0); ++index)
printf_s("%s, %u\n", dictionary[index].word, dictionary[index].frequency);
// 从字符串中提取单词构造字典数组
void ReadWords(char* text, const char* seps, WordItem* dictionary)
char* nextToken;
char* token = strtok_s(text, seps, &nextToken);
while (token != NULL)
size_t index = FindWord(token, dictionary, MaxWordsNumber);
if (index < MaxWordsNumber)
strcpy_s(dictionary[index].word, _countof(dictionary[index].word), token);
token = strtok_s(NULL, seps, &nextToken);
// 从字典数组中查找指定的单词,若存在则返回其在字典数组中的下标,否则返回末尾下标
size_t FindWord(const char* word, const WordItem* dictionary, size_t count)
size_t index;
for (index = 0; (index < count) && (strlen(dictionary[index].word) > 0); ++index)
if (strcmp(dictionary[index].word, word) == 0)
return index;