C++ 中有关 srand 我这个为什么在 Dev-c++ 里面不能运行? VC 就能运行?
#include<iostream> #include<time.h> using namespace std;//使用命名空间 std. int main() { srand(time(NULL));//将时钟数作为随机数种子 int price,guess; price = rand() % 1000 + 1;//取余,获得1~1000的随机数 cout << "please input the price:" << endl; do{ cin >> guess;//记录玩家所输入数值 if(guess > price) cout << "The price is lower than your guess,please input the price again:" << endl; if(guess < price) cout << "The price is higher than your guess,please input the price again:" << endl;//给予玩家比较大小的提示 } while (guess != price);//循环结构 cout << "The price you give is right.It cost " << price << "." <<endl;//获得正确答案 system("pause"); return 0; }