急!!!麻烦大家帮忙看一下,这个 for 循环语句哪里错了,自学C语言苦逼一枚
//Program 4.6 The almost infinite loop--computing an average#include<stdio.h>
int main(void)
double total =0.0;
double value = 0.0;
unsigned int count = 0;
char answer = 'n';
printf("\nThis program calculates the average of any numbers of values.");
for( ;; )
printf("\nPlease enter a value you wanna count the average: ");
scanf("%lf", &value);
total += value;
printf("\nDo you wanna enter some more values?(y or n): ");
scanf("%c", &answer);
if(answer =='n')
printf("\nThe average of these %d values is %.2lf\n", count, total/count);
return 0;
1. for一直是死循环,也就是说,break根本不执行
2. printf("\nDo you wanna enter some more values?(y or n): ");这个语句无法输入,只是个摆设