* This script handles the ADO Connection and uses a CursorAdapter object * to retrieve data to a cursor. PUBLIC oCA as CursorAdapter LOCAL oConn as ADODB.Connection LOCAL oRS as ADODB.Recordset LOCAL oException AS Exception LOCAL cConnString * Handle connections - insert connection code cConnString = [Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=(LOCAL);Initial Catalog=lis2002;User ID=;Password=;Integrated Security=SSPI] TRY oConn = createobject('ADODB.Connection') * Ensure that you handle userid and password if not * specified in connection string. * ex. oConn.Open(cConnString, userid, password) oConn.Open(cConnString) oRS = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Recordset") oRS.DataSource.CursorLocation = 3 &&adUseClient oRS.DataSource.LockType = 3 &&adLockOptimistic oRS.ActiveConnection = oConn oCA=CREATEOBJECT("CursorAdapter") oCA.DataSourceType = "ADO" oCA.DataSource = oRS oCA.MapBinary = .T. oCA.MapVarchar = .T. oCA.Alias = "bld_ill" oCA.SelectCmd = "SELECT * FROM bld_ill" IF !oCA.CursorFill() * Replace with error code here LOCAL laError DIMENSION laError[1] AERROR(laError) MESSAGEBOX(laError[2]) ELSE * Replace with user code here. Code below allows for * you to edit and send updates to the backend. LOCAL laFlds,lcStr,lnFldCount,i DIMENSION laFlds[1] lnFldCount=AFIELDS(laFlds) lcStr="" FOR i = 1 TO lnFldCount lcStr = lcStr + laFlds[m.i,1] + "," ENDFOR oCA.UpdatableFieldList = lcStr BROWSE NORMAL NOWAIT ENDIF CATCH TO oException * Replace with exception handling code here MESSAGEBOX(oException.Message) ENDTRY * Add user code here. * Note: cursors created by CursorAdapter object are closed when object is released.