关于向链表中添加一个节点,出现错误 求解惑
/*头文件, list.h*/ #ifndef _LIST_H_ #define _LIST_H_ #define MAXSIZE 30 struct classmate { char name[MAXSIZE]; char sex[MAXSIZE]; int age; }; typedef struct classmate Item; typedef struct node { Item item; struct node *next; }Node; typedef struct list { Node *head; int size; }List; typedef struct pair { Node * previous; Node * current; }Pair; void InitializeList(List * plist); int ListIsEmpty(const List *plist); int AddItem(const Item *pitem1,const Item *pitem2,List * plist); #endif // _LIST_H_
/*实现头文件功能,list.cpp*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "list.h" static Pair SeekItem(const Item *pitem,const List *list); static Node * MakeNode(const Item *pitem); void InitializeList(List *plist) { plist->head=NULL; plist->size=0; } int ListIsEmpty (const List * plist) { if(plist->head==NULL) return 1; else return 0; } int AddItem(const Item * pitem1,const Item *pitem2,List *plist) { Node * new_node; Node * flag; Node * temp; flag=plist->head; if(SeekItem(pitem1,plist).current!=NULL) { printf("the item has been exist.\n"); return 0; } new_node=MakeNode(pitem1); if(new_node==NULL) { printf("failed to creat a new node.\n"); return 0; } plist->size++; if(plist->head==NULL) plist->head=new_node; else if(pitem2->name==NULL) { while(flag->next!=NULL) flag=flag->next; flag->next=new_node; } else { temp=SeekItem(pitem2,plist).previous; new_node->next=temp->next; temp->next=new_node; } return 1; } static Node * MakeNode(const Item *pitem) { Node * new_node; new_node=(Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(new_node!=NULL) { new_node->item=*pitem; new_node->next=NULL; } return new_node; } static Pair SeekItem(const Item *pitem,const List *plist) { Pair temp; temp.previous=NULL; temp.current=plist->head; while(strcmp(pitem->name,temp.current->item.name)==0||temp.current==NULL) { temp.previous=temp.current; temp.current=temp.current->next; } return temp; }
/*测试函数,,,listtest.cpp*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "list.h" void AddOne (List *plist); int main(void) { List classmates; ; InitializeList(&classmates); AddOne(&classmates); puts("good job\n"); return 0; } void AddOne(List *plist) { Item temp,temp1; puts("please enter your classmate\'s name:\n"); gets(temp.name); puts("please enter sex of your classmate:\n"); gets(temp.sex); puts("please enter age of your classmate:\n"); scanf("%d",&temp.age); printf("请输入你所希望将该项目添加的位置之前项目的名字:(输入空行自动添加到链表结尾)。\n"); gets(temp1.name); AddItem(&temp,&temp1,plist); }