Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers ´íÎó '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] ÈÕÆÚµÄÓï·¨´íÎó ÔÚ²éѯ±í´ïʽ 'sqgw Like '%%' and Birthday between #1950-1-1# and ##' ÖС£
Ô´´úÂ룺<% session timeout=1
if request.Form("age1")="" then
if request.Form("age1")<>"" then session("cc")=request.Form("age")
end if
if request.Form("condition1")<>"" and request.Form("bachelor1")="" then
sql="SELECT * FROM humanresource WHERE nationality='" + session("ee") + "' and huji= '" + session("ff") + "' and sqgw Like '%" & session("bb") & "%' and sex= '" + session("aa") + "' and Birthday between #"&session("cc")&"# and #"&session("dd")&"# "
if request.Form("condition1")="" and request.Form("bachelor1")="" then
sql="SELECT * FROM humanresource WHERE sqgw Like '%" & session("bb") & "%' and Birthday between #"&session("cc")&"# and #"&session("dd")&"# "
end if
end if
if request.Form("condition1")<>"" and request.Form("bachelor1")<>"" then
sql="SELECT * FROM humanresource WHERE nationality='" + session("ee") + "' and huji= '" + session("ff") + "' and sqgw Like '%" & session("bb") & "%' and sex= '" + session("aa") + "' and Birthday between #"&session("cc")&"# and #"&session("dd")&"# and bachelor= '" + session("gg") + "'"
if request.Form("condition1")="" and request.Form("bachelor1")<>"" then
sql="SELECT * FROM humanresource WHERE sqgw Like '%" & session("bb") & "%' and Birthday between #"&session("cc")&"# and #"&session("dd")&"# and bachelor= '" + session("gg") + "' "
end if
end if
set rs_search=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs_search.open sql,conn,1,3
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<% if rs_search.eof then%>
<script language="javascript">
end if
if page<1 then page=1
for i=1 to rs_search.pagesize %>
<td height="21" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="52" height="21" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#BEBEBE"><%=rs_search("ID")%></td>
<td width="35" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#C9C9C9"><div align="center"><%=rs_search("SEX")%></div></td>
<td width="76" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#BEBEBE"><%=rs_search("BIRTHDAY")%></td>
<td width="70" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#C9C9C9"><div align="center"><%=rs_search("nATIONALITY")%></div></td>
<td width="70" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#BEBEBE"><%=rs_search("HUJI")%></td>
<td width="46" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#C9C9C9"><%=rs_search("BACHELOR")%></td>
<td width="60" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#BEBEBE"><%=rs_search("MARRIAGE")%></td>
<td width="60" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#C9C9C9"><%=rs_search("HEALTH")%></td>
<td width="98" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#BEBEBE"><a href="detail.asp?ID=<%= rs_search("ID") %>" target="_blank">ÏêϸÐÅÏ¢<a/></td>
if rs_search.eof then exit for
next %>
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if page<>rs_search.pagecount then %>
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<% If Not rs_search.EOF Or Not rs_search.BOF Then 'ÏԼǼµ¼º½ÐÅÏ¢%>
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<% End If %>