存储过程 里的两表数据计算问题
create procedure tests as select a.road_id,a.termid,a.User_ID,b.longitude,b.latitude from SYSTEM_DATA_ROAD a,SYSTEM_DATA_ROAD_INFO b where a.begin_date <'2011-12-13' and a.begin_date>'2011-12-12' and a.road_id =b.road_id and b.timeat>'2011-12-12' and b.timeat<'2011-12-13' select m.region_id,m.corp_id,m.corp_cnname,m.corp_address,n.longitude,n.latitude from system_data_corp m,system_data_corp_reg n where m.corp_id=n.corp_id and (n.longitude<>'0' or n.latitude<>'0') go上面的是存储过程
我想把得到的 b.longitude,b.latitude 跟 n.longitude,n.latitude 带到一个计算公式里进行计算。 不知道怎么写。请人指点。
double y1 =b.longitude double y2 = b.latitude double x1 = n.longitude double x2 = n.latitude double Ea = 6378137 double Eb = 6356725 Long = y1 Lat = x1 Long2 = y2 Lat2 = x2 LongRad = Long * 3.1415926 / 180; LatRad = Lat * 3.1415926 / 180; Ec = Eb + (Ea - Eb) * (90 - Lat) / 90; Ed = Ec * Math.Cos(LatRad); LongRad2 = Long2 * 3.1415926 / 180; LatRad2 = Lat2 * 3.1415926 / 180; Ec2 = Eb + (Ea - Eb) * (90 - Lat) / 90; Ed2 = Ec * Math.Cos(LatRad2); double dx = (LongRad2 - LongRad) * Ed; double dy = (LatRad2 - LatRad) * Ec; double d = Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
[ 本帖最后由 kgdipbyve 于 2011-12-14 10:19 编辑 ]