004E07A0 55 push ebp
004E07A1 8BEC mov ebp, esp
004E07A3 6A00 push $00
004E07A5 6A00 push $00
004E07A7 53 push ebx
004E07A8 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
004E07AA 33C0 xor eax, eax
004E07AC 55 push ebp
* Possible String Reference to: '?4?腚[YY]脥@'
004E07AD 680D084E00 push $004E080D
***** TRY
004E07B2 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
004E07B5 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
004E07B8 8D55F8 lea edx, [ebp-$08]
* Reference to control r3 : N.A.
004E07BB 8B8314030000 mov eax, [ebx+$0314]
004E07C1 8B8020020000 mov eax, [eax+$0220]
004E07C7 8B08 mov ecx, [eax]
004E07C9 FF511C call dword ptr [ecx+$1C]
004E07CC 8B55F8 mov edx, [ebp-$08]
004E07CF 8D4DFC lea ecx, [ebp-$04]
004E07D2 A1ACA45800 mov eax, dword ptr [$0058A4AC]
004E07D7 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
004E07D9 E802390A00 call 005840E0
004E07DE 8B55FC mov edx, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to control r4 : N.A.
004E07E1 8B8318030000 mov eax, [ebx+$0318]
004E07E7 8B8020020000 mov eax, [eax+$0220]
004E07ED 8B08 mov ecx, [eax]
004E07EF FF512C call dword ptr [ecx+$2C]
004E07F2 33C0 xor eax, eax
004E07F4 5A pop edx
004E07F5 59 pop ecx
004E07F6 59 pop ecx
004E07F7 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '[YY]脥@'
004E07FA 6814084E00 push $004E0814
004E07FF 8D45F8 lea eax, [ebp-$08]
004E0802 BA02000000 mov edx, $00000002
* Reference to: System.@LStrArrayClr(void;void;Integer);
004E0807 E8B03BF2FF call 004043BC
004E080C C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
004E080D E92634F2FF jmp 00403C38
004E0812 EBEB jmp 004E07FF
****** END
004E0814 5B pop ebx
004E0815 59 pop ecx
004E0816 59 pop ecx
004E0817 5D pop ebp
004E0818 C3 ret