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注 册:2009-7-24
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#define LEN sizeof(struct student)
int N=3;
struct student
{ int num;
  char name[20];
  double score[4];
  int pm;
  int classnumber;
  int grade;
  char department[30];
  struct student *next;
struct student stu[50];
void in();
void out();
void paixu();
void xianshi();
void pingjun();
void menuchoose();
void rate();
void tongji();
void delet(int m,int i);
void update();
void main()
{ int aa;
  { switch(aa)
     { case 1: in();break;
       case 2: out();break;
       case 3: paixu();break;
       case 4: xianshi();break;
       case 5: pingjun();break;
       case 6: rate();break;
       case 7: tongji();break;
       case 8: update();break;

void in()
{ int i,m=0;char c[2],b[2]="y";
  FILE *fp;
     { printf("sorry!can't open the file,try again.\n");return;}
  { if(fread(&stu[m] ,LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;}
  if(m==0) printf("sorry!not any information,please input some.\n");
  else printf("hello!there are %d student informations,try again.\n",m);
     { printf("fail to open the file,please try again.\n");return;}
  for(i=0;i<m;i++) fwrite(&stu[i] ,LEN,1,fp);
  printf("are you sure to add an information?(y/n):");scanf("%s",c) ;
   { printf("%d student number:",m+1);scanf("%d",&stu[m].num);
     printf("%d student name:",m+1);scanf("%s",stu[m].name);
     printf("%d student classnumber:",m+1);scanf("%d",&stu[m].classnumber);
     printf("%d student grade:",m+1);scanf("%d",&stu[m].grade);
     printf("%d student department:",m+1);scanf("%s",stu[m].department);
     printf("%d student english mark:",m+1);scanf("%lf",&stu[m].score[0]);
     printf("%d student maths mark:",m+1);scanf("%lf",&stu[m].score[1]);
     printf("%d student chinese mark:",m+1);scanf("%lf",&stu[m].score[2]);
     if(fwrite(&stu[m] ,LEN,1,fp)!=1)
       { printf("%s sorry for save,please input %s information again.\n",stu[m].name); getch(); }
     else { printf("%s save successfully.\n",stu[m].name);m++;}
     printf("are you sure to input a student information?(y/n):");scanf("%s",c);
  printf("hello!done well.\n");

void out()
 { FILE *fp;
   int i,m=0;
      { printf("sorry!not any information mow,please input first.\n");return;}
   { if(fread(&stu[m] ,LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;}
   if(m==0) {printf("sorry!not any information mow,please input first.\n");fclose(fp);return;}
    { printf("\n the information now is):\n\n");
      printf("number\tname\tclassnumber\tgrade\tdepartment\tenglish mark\tmaths mark\tchinese mark\tadded mark \t\n");
           { printf("%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%-2.1lf\t",stu[i].pm,stu[i].num,stu[i].name,stu[i].classnumber,stu[i].grade,stu[i].department,stu[i].score[0]);
   else { printf("\n show information:\n\n");
          printf("mingci number  name\t\t english  maths  chinese  added mark\t\n");
              { printf("%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%-2.1lf\t",stu[i].pm,stu[i].num,stu[i].name,stu[i].classnumber,stu[i].grade,stu[i].department,stu[i].score[0]);
void menuchoose()
  printf("\t\t~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~C mark system~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~\n");
  printf("\t\t2\t 0. quit                                2\n");
  printf("\t\t0\t 1. input information                   0\n");
  printf("\t\t0\t 2. show student information            0\n");
  printf("\t\t7\t 3. paixu                               7\n");
  printf("\t\t3\t 4. chazhao delete show                 3\n");
  printf("\t\t3\t 5. ave mark and show the highest mark  3\n");
  printf("\t\t4\t 6. pass rate and good rate             4\n");
  printf("\t\t4\t 7. the whole number                    4\n");
  printf("\t\t \t 8. update                               \n");
  printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t made by gaohan\n" );
  printf("\t\t\t  choose(0-8):");

void paixu()
{ FILE *fp;
  struct student a;
  int i=0,j=0,m=0;
     { printf("sorry!not any information,please try after input information.\n");return;}
  while(!feof(fp)) if(fread(&stu[m] ,LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;
  if(m==0) {printf("sorry!not any information?please try after input information.\n");return;}
     { printf("sorry!open the file wrong!\n");return;}
          { a=stu[j];stu[j]=stu[j+1];stu[j+1]=a;}
  for(i=0;i<m;i++) stu[i].pm=i+1;
      if(fwrite(&stu[i] ,LEN,1,fp)!=1)
       { printf("%s wrong to save.\n",stu[i].name); getch();}
  printf("paixu and save successful.\n");

void xianshi()
{ FILE *fp;
  int j,i,m=0;
  char c[2],b[2]="s",d[2]="x";
     { printf("sorry!no information now,please input.\n");return;}
  while(!feof(fp))  if(fread(&stu[m],LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;
  if(m==0) {printf("sorry!not any student information,please input.\n");return;}
  printf("please input the number of the student you want to look:");scanf("%d",&j);
     { printf("hello!the student you want has already be fond,do you want to show it or delete its information(s/x):");scanf("%s",c);
       if(strcmp(b,c)!=0&&strcmp(d,c)!=0) printf("input wrong.\n");
       else if(strcmp(b,c)==0) { delet(m,i);return;}
       else if(stu[i].pm==0)
        { printf("the information you want is(haven't paixu):\n\n");
          printf("number    name\t\t  english  maths  chinese    added mark\t\n");
       else { printf("the student information you want (has paixu):\n\n");
              printf("mingci number  name\t\t english   maths  chinese    added mark\t\n");
  if(i==m) printf("sorry!no information\n");

void pingjun()
{ FILE *fp;
  int i,m=0;
  struct student high,low;
  double aver_score=0;
     { printf("sorry!no student information,please input.\n");return;}
  while(!feof(fp))  if(fread(&stu[m],LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;
  if(m==0) {printf("sorry!no student information,please input.\n");fclose(fp);return;}
  if(m==1) {printf("there is only one student,no highest and lowest,ave mark:%-10.1lf\n",stu[0].score[3]);}
  else{ high=stu[0]; low=stu[0];aver_score=stu[0].score[3];
         { aver_score+=stu[i].score[3];
           if(stu[i].score[3]>high.score[3]) high=stu[i];
           else if(stu[i].score[3]<low.score[3]) low=stu[i];
        high.pm=1; low.pm=m;
        printf("the student's information of the highest mark\n");
        printf("mingci number  name\t\t english  maths  chinese  added mark\t\n");
        printf("the student's information of the lowest mark:\n\n");
        printf("mingci number  name\t\t english  maths  chinese  added mark\t\n");
        printf("the ave mark:%-10.1lf\n",aver_score/m);

void rate()
{ FILE *fp;
  int m=0;int i,passcounter=0,goodcounter=0,test;
  char x;    
  double pass,good;
     { printf("sorry!no student information,please input.\n");return;}
  while(!feof(fp))  if(fread(&stu[m],LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;
  if(m==0) {printf("sorry!no student information,please input.\n");fclose(fp);return;}
        printf("input course number(1,2,3):");scanf("%d",&test);
            else passcounter++;
            else goodcounter++;
        printf("course %d pass rate is %lf",test,pass);
        printf("course %d good rate is %lf",test,good);
        printf("next scourse (y/n):");

void tongji()
{ FILE *fp;
  int m=0;
     { printf("sorry!no student information,please input.\n");return;}
  while(!feof(fp))  if(fread(&stu[m],LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;
  if(m==0) {printf("sorry!no student information,please input.\n");fclose(fp);return;}
  printf("hello!there are %d students information.\n",m);

void delet(int m,int i)
{ FILE *fp;
  int j;
     { printf("fail to open the file,please try again.\n");return;}
      if(fwrite(&stu[j] ,LEN,1,fp)!=1)
       { printf("%s save wrong.\n",stu[j].name); getch();}
  printf("delete successful.\n");

void update()
    FILE *fp;
    int test,m=0,j,i;
    char x;
     { printf("sorry!can't open the file,try again.\n");return;}
    { if(fread(&stu[m] ,LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;}
    if(m==0) { in();}
    else printf("hello!there are %d student informations.\n",m);
     { printf("fail to open the file,please try again.\n");return;}
    { if(fread(&stu[m] ,LEN,1,fp)==1) m++;}
        for(i=0;i<m;i++) fwrite(&stu[i] ,LEN,1,fp);
        printf("input student number:");
                printf("change student name (%s): (y/n)",stu[j].name);scanf("%s",&x);
                if(x=='y') scanf("%s",stu[j].name);
                printf("change student english mark (%lf): (y/n)",stu[j].score[0]);scanf("%s",&x);
                if(x=='y') scanf("%lf",&stu[j].score[0]);
                printf("change student maths mark (%lf): (y/n)",stu[j].score[1]);scanf("%s",&x);
                if(x=='y') scanf("%lf",&stu[j].score[1]);
                printf("change student chinese mark (%lf): (y/n)",stu[j].score[2]);scanf("%s",&x);
2009-07-24 15:41
Rank: 3Rank: 3
等 级:论坛游侠
帖 子:90
注 册:2009-6-29

To  four  years  in  each  other's
2009-07-24 23:52

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