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注 册:2005-5-24
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以下就是提谢谢大家帮忙了!!!!请解答一下!! <<<要求通过变量的改变使用link-list 在坐标轴上实现增加一条正旋曲线,减少一条曲线,以及编辑一条曲线。 公式y = amplitude* sin e (2π* time* frequency + phase) t 时间为变量, amplitude 振幅,frequency 频率, phase 角度 为程序设计者自设参数变量, 需要自己设定取值范围。 通过输入不同的振幅,频率,以及角度在坐标轴上画不同曲线,在删除,编辑曲线的时候可以是坐标轴上任意一条曲线,也可以指定一条曲线删除或是编辑。 最后,画一条正旋曲线,实现坐标轴上所保留的所有曲线,波峰波峰叠加,波谷波谷叠加。 程序的所有设计都要自己完成,比如如果画坐标轴,坐标轴上刻度的选择,总之就是从开始到最后都要自己设计。 link-list #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> typedef struct opamp_type /*declare strecture for*/ { /*Op-Amp database*/ char type[20]; /*type*/ char make[20]; /*manufactrer*/ int powerdis; /*power dissipation*/ double slew; /*slew rate*/ double supcurrent; /*supply current*/ double price; /*retail price*/ struct opam_type*next; /*link to next item in list*/ struct opam_type /*link to former item in*/ *former; /*list*/ } OPAMP; void print_form(void) /*display labels for*/ { /*items on screen*/ gotoxy(25,10);printf("Tyoe: "); gotoxy(25,11);printf("Make: "); gotoxy(25,12);printf("Power dissipation: "); gotoxy(25,13);printf("Slew: "); gotoxy(25,14);printf("Supply current: "); gotoxy(25,15);printf("Price: "); } void print_opam (OPAM /*function to print*/ *ITEM) /*current 0p-Amp details*/ { /*to screen*/ clrscr (); if (item==NULL /*items on screen*/ { gotoxy(20,5); printf(" "); gotoxy(2o,5); printf(" Empty list "); } else /*otherwise display Op-Amp parameters*/ { gotoxy(20,5); printf(" "); gotoxy(2o,5); printf(" Op-Amps-bi-polar type "); print_form(); gotoxy(40,10);printfy("%s",item->tpye); gotoxy(40,11);printfy("%s",item->make); gotoxy(40,12);printfy("%s",item->powerdis); gotoxy(40,13);printfy("%s",item->slew); gotoxy(40,14);printfy("%s",item->supcurrent); gotoxy(40,15);printfy("%s",item->price); } } OPAM*new_opam(OPAMP /*add Op-Amp parameters to*/ *item) /*the end of the linked*/ /*list*/ { OPAMP*new_opamp; gotoxy(20,5) printf(" Add an Op-Amp to the end of the list "); print_form(); new_opamp=(OPAM*) /*reserve memory*/ malloc(sizeof(OPAM)); /*point to NULL*/ new_opam->next=NULL; gotoxy(44,10); /*read in values for*/ scanf("%s",item->tpye); /*parameters and*/ gotoxy(44,11); /*assign to*/ scanf("%s",item->tpye); /*structure*/ gotoxy(40,12);printfy("%s",item->powerdis); gotoxy(40,13);printfy("%s",item->slew); gotoxy(40,14);printfy("%s",item->supcurrent); gotoxy(40,15);printfy("%s",item->price); if (item!=NULL) /*if this is not the first item*/ { item->next=new_opap /*make links to the*/ new_opap->former=item; /*previous item in the*/ } /*list*/ else new opam->former=NULL; /*otherwise NULL*/ /*former pointer*/ return(new_opam); } OPAMP*next_opamp(OPAP*item) /*move to next Op-Amp*/ { /*in list*/ if (item!=NULL) /*make sure we have the link*/ { if (item=item->next!=NULL;) /*make sure the link*/ { /*is not NULL*/ item=item->next /*if OK-move to next*/ } else /*otherwise inform the user that the*/ { /*end of the list has been reached*/ gotoxy(20,5) printf(" "); gotoxy(20,5) printf(" End of list "); } } return (item); } OPAMP*former_opamp(OPAMP*item) /*move to the former*/ { /*Op-Amp in list*/ if (item!=NULL) /*make sure we have a link*/ { if (item->former!=NULL) /*make sure the link is*/ { /*not NULL*/ item=item->former; /*if OK-move to former item*/ } /*in the list */ else /*otherwise inform the user that the */ { /*beginning of the list has been reached*/ gotoxy(20,5) printf(" "); gotoxy(20,5) printf(" Beginning of lsit "); } } return (item); } OPamp*delete_opamp(OPAMP*) /*delete item from*/ { /*list*/ OPAMP*previous,*following; if (items!=NULL) /*ensure item exissts to delete!*/ { previouse=item->former; /*assign former and next*/ following=item->next; /*links to pointers*/ /*accordingly*/ if (previouse!=NULL) /*reoute around*/ previouse->next=following; /*item*/ if (following!=NULL) following->former=previous; free(item); /*release the item's memory*/ if (previouse!=NULL) /*reassign the pointer item*/ item=previous; /*the current item*/ else item=following; } return(item); } OPAMP*find_opamp(opamp*item) /*locate a particular*/ { /*item in the list*/ char optype[20]; int opamp_found=0; if (intm!=NULL) /*make sure we have a list to search*/ { clrscr(); /*ask user for details of tpye of*/ gotoxy(20,5); /*Op-Amp to be loacted*/ printf(" Locate an OPAMP type in the list"/ gotoxy(20,10);printf("Type: "); gotoxy(44,10);scanf("%s",optype "); } while ((item->next!=NU;;)&& /*search list*/ (!opamp_found)) { if (!stramp(optype,item->tpye))/*test each*/ opamp_found=1; /*item held*/ else item=item->next; } return(item); /*return pointer to loacted item or*/ } /*the end of the list*/ int main(void) /*main function*/ { OPAMP*first=NULL,*current=NULL,/*pointers used*/ *last=NULL /*for list*/ char response; do /*repeat until'q'hit*/ { print_opamp(current); /*print current item in list*/ /*to screen display commandt*/ /*options*/ gotoxy(25,18); printf9"'d':delete the current opam entry"); gotoxy(25,19); printf9"'a':add an opamp entry"); gotoxy(25,20); printf9"'f':find an opamp in the list"); gotoxy(25,21); printf9"'n':show the previous entry"); gotoxy(25,22); printf9"'p':show the next entry"); gotoxy(25,23); printf9"'r':return to start of list"); gotoxy(25,34); printf9"'q':quit the database"); gotoxy(40,26); putch(''); /*overwrite old command*/ gotoxy(25,46); printf("Enter command:") /*get new command*/ response=getch(); gotoxy(40,26) /*print new command*/ putch(response); /*to screen*/ switch(response) /*call relevant function*/ { case'd':current=delete_opamp(current); break; case'a':current=last=add_opamp(last); break; case'f':current=find_opamp(first); break; case'p':current=former_opamp(current); break; case'n':current=next_opamp(current); break; case'r':current=first; break; } if (first==NULL) first=last; /*assign pointers to*/ /*first item*/ /*provided in list*/ if (current==NULL) first=last=NULL; } while (resonse!='q'); /*repeat untial a 'q' is hit*/ return (0) }

请勿随意丢弃废旧电池,一个5号电池可将5平方米土地重金属污染达50年!! >>>

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2005-05-24 09:50
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2005-5-24
2005-05-24 09:52
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:6
注 册:2005-5-23

若水三千 只取一瓢 为了未来努力!不为现在和过去而哭泣!
2005-05-26 11:35

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