回复 58楼 wmf2014
Private Function zhengchuqyushu(sa As String) As String
If InStr(sa, "/") = 0 Then
zhengchuqyushu = 0
zhengchuqyushu = Mid(sa, InStr(sa, "/") + 1)
End If
End Function
Private Function zhengchuqy(sa As String) As String
If InStr(sa, "/") = 0 Then
zhengchuqy = sa
zhengchuqy = Left(sa, InStr(sa, "/") - 1)
End If
End Function
Public Function MBBC(D1 As String) As String 'kai pingfang
If Len(D1) < 10 Then
jss = Int(Sqr(D1))
JW = Val(D1) - (jss) ^ 2
If JW = 0 Then
MBBC = jss
MBBC = jss & "/" & JW
End If
Dim x 'shuju changdu
x = Len(D1) \ 4
D2 = String(4 - Len(D1) + 4 * x, "0") & D1
Dim a() As String
ReDim a(4 To 4 * x + 4)
Dim b() As String
ReDim b(2 To 2 * x)
Dim I, J, js
For I = 4 To 4 * x + 4 Step 4
a(I) = Mid(D2, I - 3, 4)
js = Int(Sqr(Val(a(4) & a(8))))
JW = Val(a(4) & a(8)) - (js) ^ 2
J = 4
Do While J <= 2 * x
jws = MPC1(JW & "0000", a(2 * J + 4))
If MBJC(Trim(jws), MbC(Trim(js), 200)) <= 0 Then
b(J) = "00"
jwc = Left(jws, Len(jws) - Len(MbC(Trim(js), 200)) + 2) \ Left(MbC(Trim(js), 200), 2)
If Len(jwc) > 2 Then
b(J) = 99
b(J) = jwc
End If
Do While MBJC(Trim(jws), MbC(MPC1(b(J), MbC(Trim(js), 200)), b(J))) = -1
b(J) = b(J) - 1
End If
JW = MPC(Trim(jws), MbC(MPC1(MbC(200, Trim(js)), b(J)), b(J)))
js = MPC1(MbC(Trim(js), 100), Trim(b(J)))
J = J + 2
If JW = 0 Then
MBBC = js
MBBC = js & "/" & JW
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function MBJC(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String ';bijiao
If Len(D1) <= 10 And Len(D2) <= 10 Then
If Val(D1) > Val(D2) Then
MBJC = 1
If Val(D1) = Val(D2) Then
MBJC = 0
MBJC = -1
End If
End If
If Len(D1) > Len(D2) Then
MBJC = 1
If Len(D1) < Len(D2) Then
MBJC = -1
If Len(D1) = Len(D2) Then
Dim x, Y
x = Len(D1) \ 4: Y = Len(D2) \ 4
Dim a() As String, b() As String
ReDim a(4 To 4 * x + 4)
ReDim b(4 To 4 * Y + 4)
If Val(Left(D1, Len(D1) - 4 * x)) > Val(Left(D2, Len(D2) - 4 * Y)) Then
MBJC = 1
If Val(Left(D1, Len(D1) - 4 * x)) < Val(Left(D2, Len(D2) - 4 * Y)) Then
MBJC = -1
For I = 4 To 4 * x Step 4
a(I) = Mid(D1, Len(D1) - I + 1, 4)
b(I) = Mid(D2, Len(D2) - I + 1, 4)
J = 4 * x
Do While a(J) = b(J) And J >= 8
J = J - 4
If Val(a(J)) - Val(b(J)) > 0 Then
MBJC = 1
If Val(a(J)) - Val(b(J)) < 0 Then
MBJC = -1
MBJC = 0
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function MCC(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String '程序
If Len(D1) < Len(D2) Then
MCC = "0" & "/" & D1
If Len(D1) < 9 Then
MCC = Val(D1) \ Val(D2) & "/" & Val(D1) - (Val(D1) \ Val(D2)) * Val(D2)
If Mid(MCC, InStr(MCC, "/") + 1) = 0 Then
MCC = Left(MCC, InStr(MCC, "/") - 1)
End If
Dim x ';fen duan changdu
x = Len(D1)
Dim a() As String
ReDim a(1 To x)
For I = 1 To x Step 1
a(I) = Mid(D1, I, 1)
Next I
Dim b() As String
JW = 0
ReDim b(1 To x)
For J = 1 To x Step 1
b(J) = Val(JW & a(J)) \ Val(D2)
JW = Val(JW & a(J)) - Val(b(J)) * Val(D2)
Next J
For r = 1 To x
If JW = 0 Then
MCC = MCC & b(r)
CJ = CJ & b(r)
MCC = CJ & "/" & JW
End If
For I = 1 To Len(MCC)
If Not Mid(MCC, I, 1) = "0" Then
Exit For
End If
strtmp = Mid(MCC, I)
If Len(strtmp) = 0 Then
MCC = "0"
MCC = strtmp
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function MCC1(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String '去问号
Dim ss
ss = MBJC(D1, D2)
If ss = -1 Then
MCC1 = "0" & "/" & D1
If ss = 0 Then
MCC1 = 1
If Len(D1) = Len(D2) Then
s = Val(Left(D1, 1)) \ Val(Left(D2, 1))
Do While MBJC(MbC(Trim(s), Trim(D2)), D1) = 1
s = s - 1
If MBJC(MbC(Trim(s), Trim(D2)), D1) = 0 Then
MCC1 = s
MCC1 = s & "/" & MPC(Trim(D1), MbC(Trim(s), Trim(D2)))
End If
If Len(D2) < 9 Then
MCC1 = MCC(D1, D2)
Dim x, Y '变问号了咋
x = Len(D1): Y = Len(D2)
Dim JW, jcc, jss, jcs
Dim a() As String, b() As String
ReDim a(1 To x)
ReDim b(1 To Y)
For I = 1 To x
a(I) = Mid(D1, I, 1)
For J = 1 To Y
b(J) = Mid(D2, J, 1)
jcc = Val(a(1) & a(2)) \ Val(b(1) & b(2))
jss = MbC(Trim(jcc), D2)
For i1 = 1 To Y
jws = jws & a(i1)
Do While MBJC(Trim(jws), Trim(jss)) = -1
jcc = jcc - 1
jss = MbC(Trim(jcc), D2)
JW = MPC(Trim(jws), Trim(jss))
z = x - Y
Dim c() As String
ReDim c(1 To z)
For s = 1 To z
If MBJC(JW & a(s + Y), D2) = -1 Then
c(s) = "0"
jwc = Val(Left(JW & a(s + Y), 3)) \ Val(Left(D2, 2))
If Len(jwc) > 1 Then
c(s) = "9"
c(s) = jwc
End If
Do While MBJC(JW & a(s + Y), MbC(Val(c(s)), D2)) = -1
c(s) = Right(10000 + Val(c(s) - 1), 1)
End If
JW = MPC(JW & a(s + Y), MbC(Val(c(s)), D2))
jcc = jcc & c(s)
Next s
If JW = 0 Then
MCC1 = jcc
MCC1 = jcc & "/" & JW
End If
For I = 1 To Len(MCC1)
If Not Mid(MCC1, I, 1) = "0" Then
Exit For
End If
strtmp = Mid(MCC1, I)
If Len(strtmp) = 0 Then
MCC1 = "0"
MCC1 = strtmp
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function MbC(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String '???
Dim x, Y '啥变问号了
x = Len(D1): Y = Len(D2)
Dim a() As Integer
ReDim a(1 To x + Y, 1 To Y)
Dim I, J, C1, C2, CJ, JW
For J = Y To 1 Step -1 'D2
JW = 0 '??λ??0
C2 = Mid$(D2, J, 1) '啥
For I = x To 1 Step -1 'D1
C1 = Mid$(D1, I, 1) '啥
CJ = C1 * C2 + JW '位
c = I + J: r = Y + 1 - J
a(c, r) = CJ Mod 10 '我弄不清了变问号改一下去掉问号而已
JW = CJ \ 10 '位
a(c - 1, r) = JW
Dim b() As Integer
ReDim b(1 To x + Y)
JW = 0
For I = x + Y To 1 Step -1
Bit = JW
For J = 1 To Y
Bit = Bit + a(I, J)
b(I) = Bit Mod 10
JW = Bit \ 10
If b(1) > 0 Then
MbC = MbC & b(1)
MbC = MbC
End If
For I = 2 To x + Y
MbC = MbC & b(I)
End Function
Public Function MPC(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String ';jianfaqi
Dim x, Y '定义长度
If Len(D1) >= Len(D2) Then
D4 = String(Len(D1) - Len(D2), "0") & D2
d3 = D1
D4 = D2
d3 = String(Len(D2) - Len(D1), "0") & D1
End If
x = Len(d3): Y = Len(D4)
Dim a() As Integer, B1() As Integer, C1() As Integer, E1() As Integer
ReDim a(1 To x)
ReDim B1(1 To Y)
ReDim C1(1 To x)
ReDim E1(1 To x)
Dim I, J, C2, CJ, JW
For J = Y To 1 Step -1 ';D2
JW = 1 ';yu jie weichuzhi
B1(J) = Mid(D4, J, 1) ';?λ??
For I = x To 1 Step -1
a(I) = Mid(d3, I, 1) ';?λ??
C1(I) = 10 + a(I) - B1(I) - 1 + JW ';????jia
JW = C1(I) \ 10
E1(I) = C1(I) Mod 10
For r = 1 To x
MPC = MPC & E1(r)
For I = 1 To Len(MPC)
If Not Mid(MPC, I, 1) = "0" Then
Exit For
End If
strtmp = Mid(MPC, I)
If Len(strtmp) = 0 Then
MPC = "0"
MPC = strtmp
End If
End Function
Public Function MPC1(D1 As String, D2 As String) As String 'jiafa
Dim x, Y '????????
If Len(D1) >= Len(D2) Then
D4 = String(Len(D1) - Len(D2), "0") & D2
d3 = D1
D4 = D2
d3 = String(Len(D2) - Len(D1), "0") & D1
End If
x = Len(d3): Y = Len(D4)
Dim a() As Integer, B1() As Integer, C1() As Integer, E1() As Integer
ReDim a(1 To x)
ReDim B1(1 To Y)
ReDim C1(1 To x)
ReDim E1(1 To x)
Dim I, J, C2, CJ, JW
For J = Y To 1 Step -1 'D2
JW = 0 '??λ??0
B1(J) = Mid$(D4, J, 1) '?λ??
For I = x To 1 Step -1
a(I) = Mid$(d3, I, 1) '?λ??
C1(I) = a(I) + B1(I) + JW '????jia
JW = C1(I) \ 10
E1(I) = C1(I) Mod 10
For r = 1 To x
If JW = 0 Then
MPC1 = MPC1 & E1(r)
jc = jc & E1(r)
MPC1 = JW & jc
End If
End Function
Private Function zzxc(sa As String, sb As String) As String
Dim a, b, c, d, r
a = Trim(sa)
b = Trim(sb)
If Len(a) < 10 And Len(b) < 10 Then
If Val(a) > Val(b) Then
c = a
d = b
c = b
d = a
End If
Do Until Val(c) Mod Val(d) = 0
r = c Mod d
c = d
d = r
If MBJC(Trim(a), Trim(b)) >= 1 Then
c = a
d = b
c = b
d = a
End If
Do Until zhengchuqyushu(MCC1(Trim(c), Trim(d))) = 0
r = zhengchuqyushu(MCC1(Trim(c), Trim(d)))
c = d
d = r
End If
zzxc = d
End Function
Private Function qniyuan(sa As String, sb As String) As String
Dim n, p, a, b, c, d, r
n = Trim(sa)
p = Trim(sb)
a = 1
b = 0
c = 0
d = 1
If Len(n) < 10 And Len(p) < 10 Then
If Val(n) > Val(p) Then
m = n
q = p
s1 = 1
m = p
q = n
s1 = 0
End If
Do Until Val(m) Mod Val(q) = 0
s = m \ q
r = m Mod q
s1 = s1 + 1
If s1 Mod 2 = 1 Then
a = a
b = a * s + b
c = c
d = c * s + d
b = b
a = a + b * s
d = d
c = c + d * s
End If
m = q
q = r
If Val(a + b * m) = p Then
b = b
a = a + b * (m - 1)
d = d
c = c + d * (m - 1)
If Val(b + a * m) = p Then
a = a
b = b + a * m
c = c
d = d + c * m
b = b
a = a + b * (m - 1)
d = d
c = c + d * (m - 1)
End If
End If
x = (a + b) Mod p
Y = (c + d) Mod n
If MBJC(Trim(n), Trim(p)) >= 1 Then
m = n
q = p
s1 = 1
m = p
q = n
s1 = 0
End If
Do Until zhengchuqyushu(MCC1(Trim(m), Trim(q))) = 0
s = zhengchuqy(MCC1(Trim(m), Trim(q)))
r = zhengchuqyushu(MCC1(Trim(m), Trim(q)))
s1 = s1 + 1
If s1 Mod 2 = 1 Then
a = a
b = MPC1(MbC(Trim(a), Trim(s)), Trim(b))
c = c
d = MPC1(MbC(Trim(c), Trim(s)), Trim(d))
b = b
a = MPC1(Trim(a), MbC(Trim(b), Trim(s)))
d = d
c = MPC1(Trim(c), MbC(Trim(d), Trim(s)))
End If
m = q
q = r
If MPC1(Trim(a), MbC(Trim(b), Trim(m))) = p Then
b = b
a = MPC1(Trim(a), MbC(Trim(b), MPC(Trim(m), 1)))
d = d
c = MPC1(Trim(c), MbC(Trim(d), MPC(Trim(m), 1)))
If MPC1(Trim(b), MbC(Trim(a), Trim(m))) = p Then
a = a
b = MPC1(Trim(b), MbC(Trim(a), Trim(m)))
c = c
d = MPC1(Trim(d), MbC(Trim(c), Trim(m)))
b = b
a = MPC1(Trim(a), MbC(Trim(b), MPC(Trim(m), 1)))
d = d
c = MPC1(Trim(c), MbC(Trim(d), MPC(Trim(m), 1)))
End If
End If
Do While Left(a, 1) = "0"
a = Mid(a, 2)
End If
qniyuan = a
End Function
Private Function qksmimo(sa As String, sb As String, sc As String) As String
Dim c, e, n, d
c = Trim(sa)
e = Trim(sb)
n = Trim(sc)
d = 1
If Len(c) < 5 And Len(e) < 5 And Len(n) < 5 Then
c = Val(c): n = Val(n)
Do While e > 0
If Right(e, 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then
c = c * c Mod n
e = e / 2
d = d * c Mod n
e = e - 1
End If
c = c
Do While MBJC(Trim(e), 1) >= 0
If Right(e, 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then
c = zhengchuqyushu(MCC1(MbC(Trim(c), Trim(c)), Trim(n)))
e = zhengchuqy(MCC1(Trim(e), 2))
d = zhengchuqyushu(MCC1(MbC(Trim(c), Trim(d)), Trim(n)))
e = MPC(Trim(e), 1)
End If
End If
qksmimo = d
End Function
Private Function fenjieyinzi(sa As String) As String
Dim X, a, B
X = sa
B = Int(Sqr(Val(X)) / 2)
If X = 3 Or X = 2 Then
a = True
If Right(X, 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then
a = False
For I = 3 To 2 * B + 1 Step 2
If InStr(X / I, ".") = 0 Then
a = False
Exit For
Else: a = True
End If
End If
End If
If a = True Then
fenjieyinzi = "这是个素数"
fenjieyinzi = "2*2"
End If
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a, n
n = Trim(Text1)
If Len(n) < 11 Then
Text2 = fenjieyinzi(Trim(n))
n1 = MPC(Trim(n), 1)
a = 123
a1 = zzxc(Trim(n), Trim(a))
If Val(a1) > 1 Then
Text2 = a1 & "*"
c = 999
Do While zzxc(Trim(n1), Trim(c)) > 1
c = Val(c - 1)
d = qniyuan(Trim(c), Trim(n1))
a2 = qksmimo(Trim(a), Trim(c), Trim(n))
a3 = qksmimo(Trim(a2), Trim(d), Trim(n))
If MBJC(Trim(a3), Trim(a)) = 0 Then
Text2 = "这是素数有" & Len(n) & "位"
Text2 = "2*2"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
End Sub
[此贴子已经被作者于2021-9-14 21:47编辑过]