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标题:求助 有关变成过程中的一些问题
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注 册:2006-10-2
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求助 有关变成过程中的一些问题

题目要求:Program 2
Write the program date_check which should check if a date is valid.


The program should get a date from the user in the format day/month/year. Tip: the function scanf can be used to input a formatted date string using a format like "%d/%d/%d".

The program should check the three parts of the date (day, month, year), and print a warning message for any part of the date that is wrong. If the whole date is correct, it should print a message saying that the date is valid.

The normal rules for dates apply: valid days are from 1 to 28, 29, 30, or 31 (depending on the month and on whether the year is a leap year); valid months are from 1 to 12; valid years start from 1582 (the year in which our current calendar system started).

The rule for deciding if a year is a leap year is as follows: a year evenly divisble by 4 is a leap year; except if the year is evenly divisible by 100, in which case it is not a leap year; except if the year is evenly divisible by 400, in which case it is a leap year.

Examples: (user input is shown in bold)

One invalid part of the date:
Enter a date (d/m/y): 29/2/2002
The day 29 is not valid!

Several invalid parts of the date:
Enter a date (d/m/y): 32/15/1002
The year 1002 is not valid!
The month 15 is not valid!
The day 32 is not valid!

Valid date:
Enter a date (d/m/y): 20/9/2002
The given date is valid.

/* Judge whether a date is valid */
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
/* Define the data type for each variable */
int DAY;
int MONTH;
int YEAR;

/* Display the requirement and get the data from the user */
printf(" Enter a date(d/m/y):");
scanf("%d/%d/%d", &DAY, &MONTH, &YEAR);

/* Begin the selection */
/* First Judge wheter it's a leap year Then beging the first selection*/
if(((YEAR>=1582)&&(YEAR % 400!=0)||((YEAR%100 !=0)&&(YEAR % 4 !=0)))&&
printf(" The given date is valid \n");
else if(YEAR<1582)
printf(" The year %d is not valid.\n" ,YEAR);
printf(" The month %d is not valid.\n", MONTH);
if(((YEAR>=1582)&&(YEAR % 400!=0)||((YEAR%100 !=0)&&(YEAR % 4 !=0))||(YEAR<1582))&&
printf(" The day %d is not valid.\n" , DAY);
/* Then if it is not a leap year Then beging the second selection*/
else if
(((YEAR>=1582)&&(YEAR % 400==0)||((YEAR%100 !=0)&&(YEAR % 4 ==0)))&&
printf(" The given date is valid\n");
else if(YEAR<1582)
printf(" The year %d is not valid.\n" ,YEAR);
printf(" The month %d is not valid.\n", MONTH);

if(((YEAR>=1582)&&(YEAR % 400==0)||((YEAR%100 !=0)&&(YEAR % 4 ==0))||(YEAR<1582))&&
printf(" The day %d is not valid.\n", DAY);

return 0;


搜索更多相关主题的帖子: function message warning should 
2006-10-02 09:32
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:4
注 册:2006-10-2

程序应该从用户那得到数据,数据的格式是 日/月/年。 Tips: 你可以利用scanf函数来输入:%d/%d/%d 来获得日/月/年的格式。

Examples: (user input is shown in bold)

One invalid part of the date:
Enter a date (d/m/y): 29/2/2002
The day 29 is not valid!

Several invalid parts of the date:
Enter a date (d/m/y): 32/15/1002
The year 1002 is not valid!
The month 15 is not valid!
The day 32 is not valid!

Valid date:
Enter a date (d/m/y): 20/9/2002
The given date is valid.

2006-10-02 13:38
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:4
注 册:2006-10-2
谢谢 如果能够解答 我将万分感谢
就是一个程序中 能不能存在if语句是并行的阿
比如一块分闰年的 一块是非闰年的 非闰年里头分日期分有效的和无效的
另一块闰年的 也分个有效的和无效的

2006-10-02 13:42
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:4
注 册:2006-10-2

我菜菜嘛 谢谢咯 以后我多来问问

2006-10-02 15:56
快速回复:求助 有关变成过程中的一些问题

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