回复 19楼 sdta
Select 单号,客户,日期 From 销售单 Where 客户 = lcNamekh Order By 客户 Into Cursor temp1
Select a.单号,a.客户,b.货名,b.价格,a.日期 From temp1 a Left Join 销售表 b On a.单号 = b.单号 Order By 货名 Into Cursor temp2
select a2.客户,a2.货名,a2.价格 as 单价,a2.日期 as 购买日期,a2.排名 as 次序 from (select a1.客户,a1.货名,a1.价格,a1.日期,(select count(日期) as 排名 from temp2 where a1.客户=客户 and a1.货名=货名 and a1.日期<=日期) as 排名 ;
from temp2 a1) a2 where 排名<=3 And Alltrim(a2.货名) is Not null Into Cursor temp3
[此贴子已经被作者于2018-2-11 16:04编辑过]