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注 册:2013-9-22
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Job Opening Requirement   
Senior Software Engineer – Tradex Dev
Basic Requirements:
-    MS or BS in Computer Science.
-    English requirement:
1.    Basic English Level:  
    CET-4 (non-English major basic skills)   
    CET-6 (non-English major proficiency)
    TEM-4 (English major basic skills)   
    TEM-6 (English major proficiency)   
    Native level proficiency
2.    Spoken English Level:
    Survival level communication   
    Daily life level  communication     
    Working level  Communication     
    Very Fluent   
    Native level Fluent
3.    Reading + writing English Level:
    Write & Read with help of dictionary (technical documents only)      
    Write & Read without help of dictionary (technical documents only)     
    Write & Read  emails, memos and reports (technical related only)      
    Write & Read emails, memos and reports. (Business and technical related)
    Native level write & read  (All topics and styles)
Technical Requirement
-    Must have 5+ years of working experience in C# developing.
-    Have knowledge in and
-    Have experience in SQL Server.
-    Experience with JavaScript, WCF and HTML5 is a plus.
-    Experience with financial markets business is a plus.
-    Strong problem solving and debugging skills.
Other requirements
-    To be an independent, self-reliant contributor but must be able to blend in with the team and culture at the same time.

Each team lead need specify (not for requirement)
-    This new hire should be Level 3 (Senior Software Engineer).
-    This person will work on C# and projects. He should have strong technical skills on C#/ programming and module design.

If you have interesting on it ,please send your cv to zhuyyuan@ call me at 18210581165

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 软件工程师 Software English 
2013-09-22 19:01

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