VFP9 netsuite.dll WebView2.dll 概述 (20231019 V1.0)
VFP9 netsuite.dll WebView2.dll 概述 (20231019 V1.0)1。WebSocket 可以更好的跟主流web APP通讯,比起Winsocket不易被防火墙阻止,
2。PDFView 可以更好的让VFP.FRX报表在PDFView呈现浏览,以及打开目前PDF文档在VFP表单呈现浏览,
3. WebView2 其实就是MS的WebView2,VFP完美兼容由JS的回调VFP的PRG函数,充当后台数据库处理。
在庞大的Web APP 应用范畴中一切都可以装入WebView2让VFP在后台进行数据处理。
4. 在主流加密类中,netsuite.dll 可充分满足基本加解密需求,基本加解密模型如下:
2.AES 128/256
3.DES CipherMode:ECB/CBC/OFB/CFB/CTS PaddingMode:None/PKCS7/Zeros/ANSIX923/ISO10126("Netsuite.Function")
4.RSA 512/1024 Sign:SHA1/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512/SHA3 支技生成公私钥,PEM生成,XML生成
Generation and parsing of PKCS-12 files.
X.509: Generators and parsers for V1 and V3 certificates, V2 CRLs and attribute certificates.
PBE algorithms supported by PbeUtilities: PBEwithMD2andDES-CBC, PBEwithMD2andRC2-CBC, PBEwithMD5andDES-CBC, PBEwithMD5andRC2-CBC, PBEwithSHA1andDES-CBC, PBEwithSHA1andRC2-CBC, PBEwithSHA-1and128bitRC4, PBEwithSHA-1and40bitRC4, PBEwithSHA-1and3-keyDESEDE-CBC, PBEwithSHA-1and2-keyDESEDE-CBC, PBEwithSHA-1and128bitRC2-CBC, PBEwithSHA-1and40bitRC2-CBC, PBEwithHmacSHA-1, PBEwithHmacSHA-224, PBEwithHmacSHA-256, PBEwithHmacRIPEMD128, PBEwithHmacRIPEMD160, and PBEwithHmacRIPEMD256.
Signature algorithms supported by SignerUtilities: MD2withRSA, MD4withRSA, MD5withRSA, RIPEMD128withRSA, RIPEMD160withECDSA, RIPEMD160withRSA, RIPEMD256withRSA, SHA-1withRSA, SHA-224withRSA, SHA-256withRSAandMGF1, SHA-384withRSAandMGF1, SHA-512withRSAandMGF1, SHA-1withDSA, and SHA-1withECDSA.
Symmetric key algorithms: AES, Blowfish, Camellia, CAST5, CAST6, ChaCha, DES, DESede, GOST28147, HC-128, HC-256, IDEA, ISAAC, Noekeon, RC2, RC4, RC5-32, RC5-64, RC6, Rijndael, Salsa20, SEED, Serpent, Skipjack, TEA/XTEA, Threefish, Tnepres, Twofish, VMPC and XSalsa20.
Symmetric key modes: CBC, CFB, CTS, GOFB, OFB, OpenPGPCFB, and SIC (or CTR).
Symmetric key paddings: ISO10126d2, ISO7816d4, PKCS-5/7, TBC, X.923, and Zero Byte.
Asymmetric key algorithms: ElGamal, DSA, ECDSA, NaccacheStern and RSA (with blinding).
Asymmetric key paddings/encodings: ISO9796d1, OAEP, and PKCS-1.
AEAD block cipher modes: CCM, EAX, GCM and OCB.
Digests: GOST3411, Keccak, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3, Tiger, and Whirlpool.
Signer mechanisms: DSA, ECDSA, ECGOST3410, ECNR, GOST3410, ISO9796d2, PSS, RSA, X9.31-1998.
Key Agreement: Diffie-Hellman, EC-DH, EC-MQV, J-PAKE, SRP-6a.
Macs: CBCBlockCipher, CFBBlockCipher, CMAC, GMAC, GOST28147, HMac, ISO9797 Alg. 3, Poly1305, SipHash, SkeinMac, VMPCMAC.
PBE generators: PKCS-12, and PKCS-5 - schemes 1 and 2.
OpenPGP (RFC 4880)
Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS, RFC 3852), including streaming API.
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP, RFC 2560).
Time Stamp Protocol (TSP, RFC 3161).
TLS/DTLS client/server up to version 1.2, with support for the most common ciphersuites and extensions, and many less common ones. Non-blocking API available.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography: support for generic F2m and Fp curves, high-performance custom implementations for many standardized curves.
Reading/writing of PEM files, including RSA and DSA keys, with a variety of encryptions.
PKIX certificate path validation
5. VFP可以完美实现.net架框下的bulkcopy数据(图片)导入功能("Netsuite.BulkCopy")
1.SqlBulkDtInit 初始化DLL中的DT对象(这个对象用来装VFP的cursor数据,是与CursorBulkInsert配合使用)
2.SqlbulkAddData cursor的记录以 Delimited 为分隔符写入DLL,是与CursorBulkInsert配合使用)
3.CursorBulkInsert 将VFP的Cursor导入MSSQL
4.SQLBulkInsert 将本地DBF|EXCEL文件在VFP执行查询语句的方式导入MSSQL
6. VFP可以多线程,这一切都可以实现MTA,STA,VFP的PRG函数("Netsuite.MultiThreadedAdapter")
oThread = ThreadedAdapter(STA|MTA)
7. 较全支持FTP函数功能:("Netsuite.FTPClient")
1.MkDir 创建目录(如果已有就不能创建)
2.ChDir 改变当前目录
3.RmDir 删除目录(注意无法删除在当前目录)
4.Dir 获得文件列表
5.GetFileTime 获得文件最后修改时间字符串
6.Upload 上传一个文件
7.Rename 重命名(如果新文件名与已有文件重名,将覆盖已有文件)
8.GetFileSize 获取文件大小
9.DownloadFile 下载一个文件
10.DownloadBrokenFile 支持断点续传下载
11.Delete 删除文件
1.GetPrinterStatus 获取当前指定打印机的状态
2.PrinterInList 判断打印机是否在系统可用的打印机列表中
3.AddPaper 指定的打印机设置以200mm*200mm为单位的自定义纸张(Form)成功否
4.GetPrinterLists 获取本地打印机列表:
5.GetDeaultPrinterName 获取本机的默认打印机名称
6.SetPrinterToDefault 设置默认打印机成功否
7.PrinterInList 判断打印机是否在系统可用的打印机列表中
8.FormInPrinter 判断表单是否在指定的打印机所支持的纸张列表中,表单就是我们平常所说的纸张:
9.FormSameSize 判断指定纸张的宽度:20cm和高度20cm和与打印内容指定的宽度和高度是否匹配:
10.DeletePaper 删除已经存在的自定义纸张:'