-- sample_dir|-- cambridge
| `-- security
| |-- annex
| `-- parking
|-- history.exe
|-- markham
| |-- annex
| |-- building1
| `-- parking
`-- stenton
|-- admin
| `-- accounting
| `-- payroll
|-- gen_ed
| `-- Holidays
`-- lib_arts
`-- english.txt
Your current directory is sample_dir. Create a compressed archive of the stenton directory and it's contents, called stenton.tar.gz, and place it in the sample_dir directory. Use a non-verbose tar command with a single option string, including the option to invoke gzip:
你当前目录是sample_dir, 在当前目录下新建一个stenton目录及其内容的压缩文件,文件名为stenton.tar.gz,只能用tar命令简单参数,包括一个支持gzip的参数。