以下是引用谁与争疯在2015-8-16 22:56:45的发言:
motherfucker! you guys just piss me off,you have no idea whom you're talking to.well,well,well,I've got some fun
plan for you ,listen up! clean up
your mouth,then kiss my ass, last but not least,turn back your home, face to
the mirror,say to the mirror:you're the son of a bitch,hold on, I almost forget you just finished your personal big
dinner from toilet,so,you wanna take something to drink?
yell to your GF,the whore,she may give you what you like
if you kneel on the ground,silly boy,don't tell your papa everything you've done,you know it ,I knew it,you just come back
from DongGuan, I knew anything you've done there.Dissappear or stay low,so that which one is the best choice for you
to choose,I know you got that.