I have not failed completely
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { size_t str_count = 0; fpos_t *postition = NULL; char *buffer = (char*)malloc(4); size_t length = 0; size_t jilu = 3; char *temp = NULL; int i = 0; char *Input_filename = "E:\\才、\\Test\\test1.bin"; char *Out_filename = "E:\\才、\\Test\\test2.bin"; FILE *Input_pfile = NULL; FILE *Out_pfile = NULL; if(!(Input_pfile = fopen(Input_filename, "rb"))) { printf("读取文件%s faild!\n",Input_filename); return 1; } /* 得到字符串数目 */ while(1) { fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Input_pfile); if(feof(Input_pfile)) break; if( jilu < length) { jilu = length; free(buffer); buffer = (char*)malloc(length+1); } fread(buffer, sizeof(char), length, Input_pfile); buffer[length] = '\0'; printf("buffer == %s\nlength == %d\n",buffer, length); str_count++; } printf("The count of strings are %d\n",str_count); postition = (fpos_t*)malloc(str_count-1); rewind(Input_pfile); fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Input_pfile); fread(buffer, sizeof(char), length, Input_pfile); buffer[length] = '\0'; printf("length = %d\n%s\n",length, buffer); for(i=0;i<(int)str_count-1;i++) { fgetpos(Input_pfile, &postition[i]); fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Input_pfile); fread(buffer, sizeof(char), length, Input_pfile); } if(!(Out_pfile = fopen(Out_filename, "wb"))) { printf("error!\n"); return -1; } for(i=0;i<(int)str_count-1;i++) { fsetpos(Input_pfile, &postition[str_count-2-i]); fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Input_pfile); fwrite(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Out_pfile); fread(buffer, 1, length, Input_pfile); fwrite(buffer, 1, length, Out_pfile); } rewind(Input_pfile); fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Input_pfile); fwrite(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Out_pfile); fread(buffer, 1, length, Input_pfile); fwrite(buffer, 1, length, Out_pfile); fclose(Out_pfile); fclose(Input_pfile); Out_pfile = fopen(Out_filename, "rb"); printf("The strings in the %s are:\n",Out_filename); for(i=0;i<(int)str_count;i++) { fread(&length, sizeof(size_t), 1, Out_pfile); fread(buffer, sizeof(char), length, Out_pfile); buffer[length] = '\0'; printf("%s\n",buffer); } fclose(Out_pfile); remove(Out_filename); return 0; }
size_t str_count = 0; fpos_t *postition = NULL; char *buffer = (char*)malloc(4); size_t length = 0; size_t jilu = 3; char *temp = NULL; int i = 0;一旦malloc()中的值大于4(如char *buffer = (char*)malloc(5))程序就又会和先前一样出现错误
if( jilu < length) { jilu = length; free(buffer); buffer = (char*)malloc(length+1); }这里都会对buffer的内存大小进行判断啊,而且无论length的值是什么,一开始buffer申请的空间还是不能超过4个字节