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注 册:2012-8-21
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Android 软件工程师
Job Responsibility:
Responsible for co-designing and implementing the User Interface, application logic implementation for Android application,
Work with a team for project high level design, detailed design, development plan, etc,
Interact with the graphical designer for UI and development team for application Business Logic components,
Solve technical problem during the development process, bug fixing, improvments,
Design and develop Unit Test Code,
Write documentation for users and developers.
Excellent command of Java language and Android SDK,
Proficient in mobile devices applications development,
Proficient in User Interface design for Android,
Good understanding of OOP and Design Patterns,
Familiar with Revision Control System (SVN, GIT, ...),
Familiar with issue tracking system (Bugzilla, Mantis, ...),
Skills in C++ and C# languages are a plus
Desired Qualifications:
Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science field,
At least 2 year's software development in Java,
At least 1 year's software development experience on Android platform,
Experience with Bluetooth devices is a plus,
Experience with J2ME is a plus,
Experience with OpenGL is a plus,
Very good aptitude to communicate and produce documents in English,
Good learning ability.

有兴趣的朋友请联系:QQ:1768157563  Email:eric.zhang@ 021-60312541
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Android 软件工程师 technical Business detailed 
2013-12-23 10:59

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