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输出形式:(1)分行输出用户输入的各行字符;(2)分4行输出"全部字母数"、"数字个数"、"空格个数"、"文章总字数"(3)输出 删除某一字符串后的文章。
using namespace std;
int main()
        string line,word;
        AList<string> line_of_txt(20);
        int alphanum=0,digitnum=0,space =0,all=0;
                for(string::iterator iter=line.begin();iter!=line.end();iter++)
                        if(*iter==' ')space++;
        cout<<"the line of txt is:"<<endl;
        for(int i=0;i<line_of_txt.length();i++)
        cout<<"please enter the word need look"<<endl;
        string s;
        int number=0;
        for( i=0;i<line_of_txt.length();i++)
                string::size_type iter=0;
        cout<<number<<": "<<s<<endl;
        char exclude[80];
        cout<<"please enter the word need exclude:"<<endl;
        cout<<"after exclude"<<endl;
        for( i=0;i<line_of_txt.length();i++)
        return 0;

// From the software distribution accompanying the textbook
// "A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis,
// Third Edition (C++)" by Clifford A. Shaffer.
// Source code Copyright (C) 2007-2011 by Clifford A. Shaffer.

// This is the file to include in your code if you want access to the
// complete AList template class

// First, get the declaration for the base list class
#ifndef ALIST_H
#define ALIST_H
#include "list.h"
// This is the declaration for AList. It is split into two parts
// because it is too big to fit on one book page
template <typename E> // Array-based list implementation
class AList : public List<E> {
        int maxSize;        // Maximum size of list
        int listSize;       // Number of list items now
        int curr;           // Position of current element
        E* listArray;    // Array holding list elements

        AList(int size=0) { // Constructor
                maxSize = size;
                listSize = curr = 0;
                listArray = new E[maxSize];

        ~AList() { delete [] listArray; } // Destructor

        void clear() {                    // Reinitialize the list
                delete [] listArray;            // Remove the array
                listSize = curr = 0;            // Reset the size
                listArray = new E[maxSize];  // Recreate array

        // Insert "it" at current position
        void insert(const E& it) {
                for(int i=listSize; i>curr; i--)  // Shift elements up
                        listArray[i] = listArray[i-1];  //   to make room
                listArray[curr] = it;
                listSize++;                       // Increment list size

        void append(const E& it) {       // Append "it"
                listArray[listSize++] = it;

        // Remove and return the current element.
        E remove() {
                E it = listArray[curr];           // Copy the element
                for(int i=curr; i<listSize-1; i++)  // Shift them down
                        listArray[i] = listArray[i+1];
                listSize--;                          // Decrement size
                return it;
        void moveToStart() { curr = 0; }        // Reset position
        void moveToEnd() { curr = listSize; }     // Set at end
        void prev() { if (curr != 0) curr--; }       // Back up
        void next() { if (curr < listSize) curr++; } // Next

        // Return list size
        int length() const  { return listSize; }
        // Return current position
        int currPos() const { return curr; }

        // Set current list position to "pos"
        void moveToPos(int pos) {
                curr = pos;

        const E& getValue() const { // Return current element
                return listArray[curr];
        void erase(char* s)
                for(int i=0;i<length();i++)
                        string::size_type pos=0;

// From the software distribution accompanying the textbook
// "A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis,
// Third Edition (C++)" by Clifford A. Shaffer.
// Source code Copyright (C) 2007-2011 by Clifford A. Shaffer.

template <typename E> class List { // List ADT
        void operator =(const List&) {}      // Protect assignment
        List(const List&) {}           // Protect copy constructor
        List() {}          // Default constructor
        virtual ~List() {} // Base destructor

        // Clear contents from the list, to make it empty.
        virtual void clear() = 0;

        // Insert an element at the current location.
        // item: The element to be inserted
        virtual void insert(const E& item) = 0;

        // Append an element at the end of the list.
        // item: The element to be appended.
        virtual void append(const E& item) = 0;

        // Remove and return the current element.
        // Return: the element that was removed.
        virtual E remove() = 0;

        // Set the current position to the start of the list
        virtual void moveToStart() = 0;

        // Set the current position to the end of the list
        virtual void moveToEnd() = 0;

        // Move the current position one step left. No change
        // if already at beginning.
        virtual void prev() = 0;

        // Move the current position one step right. No change
        // if already at end.
        virtual void next() = 0;

        // Return: The number of elements in the list.
        virtual int length() const = 0;

        // Return: The position of the current element.
        virtual int currPos() const = 0;

        // Set current position.
        // pos: The position to make current.
        virtual void moveToPos(int pos) = 0;

        // Return: The current element.
        virtual const E& getValue() const = 0;
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 文章 统计 英文字母 标点符号 线性表 
2011-12-25 14:36

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