#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { char a; struct node *next; }; void printList(struct node *Tou) { struct node *h1=Tou; while(h1->next!=NULL) { h1=h1->next; printf("%c --> ",h1->a); } printf("NULL\n\n"); } void insert(struct node *Tou) { struct node *h1=Tou,*h2=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node)); printf("Enter a character:"); // int n; //非得加上这两句,把'\n'消除了才能输入h2->a……非常不解 // scanf("%d",&n); scanf("%c",&h2->a); //如果不加上上面两句,在运行时这句就会直接跳过,给h2->a赋的值是'\n' h2->next=NULL; while(h1->next!=NULL) h1=h1->next; h1->next=h2; printList(Tou); } int main(void) { printf("Enter your choice:\n" "1 to insert an element into the list.\n" "2 to delete an element from the list.\n" "3 to end.\n? "); int n; scanf("%d",&n); //我在想原因就是在这输入n时,还有一个'\n'在输入流中,影响了后面的输入,为什么会这样呢…… struct node *Tou=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node)); Tou->a=0; Tou->next=NULL; while(n!=3) { switch(n) { case 1: insert(Tou); break; } printf("? "); scanf("%d",&n); } return 0; }请大家看看,谢啦