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标题:求助:有个关于"游戏的玩法 "的程序考试题,如何编写?谢谢
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注 册:2011-4-20
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求助:有个关于"游戏的玩法 "的程序考试题,如何编写?谢谢
求助:有个关于"游戏的玩法 "的程序考试题,如何编写?谢谢
Playing the game will involve two steps. First, the user writes an X or an O in one cell and then presses the PLAY button. The program should then check if there is a winner. If yes, the message “Player X won!” or “Player O won!” should be displayed.
The game ends when a user has N number of X/O s on the same row, column or diagonal –where N is the size of the board.
For example, in all the following snapshots of the game, player X won (the character _ is used to denote that nothing was played in that cell):
Diagonal        row            column
X O _ O    or    X XXX        or    O _ X  X
O X X O        O _ O _            X O X X
_ _ X O            _ O _  _        O O X O
_ _ _ X            _ _ _ _            X O X O

[ 本帖最后由 ftyy 于 2011-4-21 11:59 编辑 ]
2011-04-20 16:20
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2011-4-20
以下是引用voidx在2011-4-20 17:09:29的发言:

This project will give you exposure to the various types of loops, general procedures and arrays.
You will need to make a program that will play the TIC-TAC-TOE game.
Step 1:
The interface should contain 6x6 textboxes and a play button. Initially all the textboxes should be read only. When the program starts, the user should be asked for a board size and a number of uses playing.

[ 本帖最后由 ftyy 于 2011-4-21 12:00 编辑 ]
2011-04-20 18:10
快速回复:求助:有个关于"游戏的玩法 "的程序考试题,如何编写?谢谢

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