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标题:宁可少写程序,多翻译E文 C++ VS C#游戏编程
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宁可少写程序,多翻译E文 C++ VS C#游戏编程
Zeikko (5)     Jan 16, 2011 at 1:01am

I started programming with C++ about 10 days ago,
and I'm still in basics (best program I have made is Tic-Tac-Toe
有编过井字棋能力,用scratch (一款适合儿童的图形化编程工具)  
( http:// ) from scratch.
 However, I have started to wonder if C++ is the best way to go for me.
I´ve done a bit researching, and I found that Xbox 360 doesn't support C++, only C#.
 Am I correct with that one?
In fact basically only reason I'm learning to program is that I would love to work in game studio or make my own indie studio.
I'm planning to make apps for mobile platforms ( such as iOS) and for XBLA (Xbox).
Last edited on Jan 16, 2011 at 1:31am  
Metallon (71)     Jan 16, 2011 at 1:42am

I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain of these things:
To program for iOS you need to use ObjectiveC.
To program games for XBLA, you need to use C# (wthi XNA, I think).
If you want to sell the games then you need to have a Developer's account (I think that's what it's called) and that costs about $100 a year.
Again, you might want to verify this through google, but I think it's correct.
As a side note, tic-tac-toe in 10 days? Well, certainly better than me, took me three weeks to make a console program that converts to and from morse code. Then an additional two weeks to make a casino game using classes. I'm slow :/
Return 0 (1036)     Jan 16, 2011 at 4:12am
If you plan at some point to work for a AAA game company then you will need to learn C++. If indie development is fine then C# with XNA will work for you. But whey not learn both? :) It's not uncommon for core engines to be developed in C++ and the editing tools in C#.Net.
C#Zeikko (5)     Jan 16, 2011 at 4:44am
Thanks for answers! I am planning indeed to work in AAA ( or maybe not AAA, but still big ) game company.
 Here in Finland where I live we have about 7 big studios ( notable games produced by them in last couple years are Angry Birds, Alan Wake, 3DMarks, Trine etc. ), but I am also considering making a Indie Studio. Maybe I will try to learn advanced C++ concepts first and make some kind of 2.5D-platformer C++ game first ( probably not commercial ) this year/next year, and after that I will start learn C#. I'm going next year to upper secondary school (= ~high school) so I have a lot of time to learn these languages.
rjd82AA (7)     Jan 17, 2011 at 12:49pm
IMO learn every last language you can, learn C++, C#, haskell, python etc, the more you know the better off you are and can help in your understanding of various other languages, im currently trying to learn C++ and haskell, you may also want to check out a job with DICE in stockholm, theyre a damn good company(one im eventually trying to get in with), but learn as many languages as you can, thus you can go from company to company if you need to......
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2011-01-17 20:23
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