#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define ZERO 0 class Node { public: int num; Node* next; Node* head; void creat() { int count=0; cout<<"please input Node Num"; cin>>count; if (count <= ZERO) { head = NULL; return ; } Node* p1 = new Node; Node* p2; head = p1; for (int i = 0 ; i < count ;++i) { cout<<i+1<<":"; cin>>p1->num; p2 = p1; p1= new Node; p2->next = p1; } delete p1; p2->next = NULL; return ; } void show() { Node* tmp = head; while(tmp) { cout<<tmp->num<<endl; tmp = tmp->next; } delete tmp; } void insert_font() { Node* tmp_Node = new Node; cout<<"input insert of font num:"<<endl; cin>>tmp_Node->num; tmp_Node->next = head; head = tmp_Node; } void insert_real() { Node* tmp_Node = new Node; cout<<"input insert of real num:"<<endl; cin>>tmp_Node->num; Node*tmp = head; while(tmp) { if (tmp->next == NULL) { tmp->next = tmp_Node; tmp_Node->next = NULL; //break; } tmp = tmp->next; } delete tmp; } void insert_center() { //插入的数据 Node* tmp_Node = new Node; //插入的位置 int postion; cout<<"input insert of center num:"<<endl; //输入插入数据 cin>>tmp_Node->num; cout<<"insert postion"<<endl; //输入插入位置 cin>>postion; //判断异常 if (postion <= ZERO) { return ; } //创建head头结点副本 Node* tmp = head; //循环跳转节点 for (int i = 0 ; i < postion-1 ; ++i) { tmp = tmp->next; } //插入数据,前一个节点 Node* tmpePos = tmp; Node* tmpeNext = tmp->next; //将该节点的next指向新节点 tmpePos->next = tmp_Node; //新节点的next指向原始节点的next tmp_Node->next = tmpeNext; } }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Node a; a.creat(); a.insert_font(); system("cls"); a.show(); a.insert_real(); system("cls"); a.show(); a.insert_center(); system("cls"); a.show(); system("pause"); return 0; }大家帮我看看这个链表有什么缺陷?PS:删除还没写,继续更新中
[ 本帖最后由 fz19910125 于 2012-12-6 17:44 编辑 ]