#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> void bisect(double a,double b); void find_root(double c,double d); double f(double g); double epslion; int main () { double x1, x2, epslion; printf("ENTER THE INTERVAL ENDPOINTS>\n"); scanf("%lf%lf",&x1,&x2); printf("enter the tolerance"); scanf("%lf",&epslion); bisect(x1,x2); } void bisect(double a,double b) { double f1, f2; f1 = f(a); f2 = f(b); if (f1*f2>0) printf("the root is not here\n"); else if(f1*f2==0) { if(f1==0) printf("one root is%.3f",a); if(f2==0) printf("one root is%.3f",b); } else { find_root(a,b); } } void find_root(double c,double d) { double e, m; if (fabs(d - c)> epslion) { e = (c+d)/2; m = f(e); } else printf("the root is01 at [%.3f,%.3f]\n",c,d);/*从不显示*/ if (m==0) printf("the root is02 %.3f\n",e); else if(f(c)*m<0) { find_root(c,e); } else if(f(d)*m<0) { find_root(e,d); } } double f(double g) { return(pow(g,2)-6*g+4); }感觉设置的epsilon没用上。。。。。请大家帮我分析分析我这个程序,优化一下