/* *.编程实现一个单向项链表,能实现链表的创建、插入、删除、显示功能。 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream.h> struct stu { char name[20]; long num; float score; struct stu *next; }; int n; stu *create() { stu *head,*pNext,*p; short i,N; head=(stu *)malloc(sizeof(stu)); p=head; printf("input the number of student:\n"); scanf("%d",&N); printf("input name and number for nodes:\n"); scanf("%c,%ld,%f",head->name,&head->num,&head->score);//为头结点赋值 for(i=0;i<N;i++) { pNext=(stu *)malloc(sizeof(stu));//连续开辟结构体空间 scanf("%c,%ld,%f",pNext->name,&pNext->num,&pNext->score); p->next=pNext; p=pNext; } //printf("please input the students' information:\n"); /*for(i=1;i<N;i++) { p=p->next; }*/ cout<<head<<endl; pNext->next=NULL; return head; } void print(stu *head)//查询链表 { stu *p; printf("Output the infomation in the chain list:\n"); p=head; if(head!=NULL) do { printf("%c,%ld,%f",p->name,p->num,p->score); p=p->next; }while(p!=NULL); } stu *insert(stu * head,stu *pInsert) { stu *temp,*p,*pIns; p=head; pIns=pInsert;//指向要插入的结点 if(head==NULL) { head=pIns; pIns->next=NULL; } else { while((pIns->num>p->num)&&(p->next!=NULL)) { temp=p;//temp指向刚才p所指的结点 p=p->next;//p后移一个结点 } if(pIns->num<=p->num) { if(head==p) head=pIns;//插到原来第一个结点之前 else { temp->next=pIns; pIns->next=p; } } else//一定是为结点 { p->next=pIns; pIns->next=NULL; } } n=n+1; printf("insert success!"); return head; } stu *dele(stu *head,long num) { stu *p1,*p2; if(head==NULL) printf("empty list!\n"); p1=head; while(p1->num!=num&&p1->next!=NULL) { p2=p1; p1=p1->next; } if(p1->num==num) { if(p1==head) head=p1->next; else p2->next=p1->next; n=n-1; free(p1); } else printf("the node not be found!\n"); return head; } int main() { stu *cl,*stud; int i; long num; printf("*************************************************\n"); printf( "select the item \n"); printf( "1:set the students' information \n"); printf( "2:query the students' information \n"); printf( "3:insert the students'information \n"); printf( "4:delete the students'information \n"); printf( "0:ESC the program! \n"); printf("*************************************************\n"); do { printf("select the number to next"); scanf("%d",&i); switch(i) { case 1: { //printf("Please input the students' information:\n"); cl=create(); cout<<cl<<endl; }break; case 2: { print(cl); }break; case 3: { printf("Please input the students' information:\n"); scanf("%c,%ld,%f",stud->name,&stud->num,&stud->score); cl=insert(cl,stud); }break; case 4: { printf("Please input the delete number:\n"); scanf("%ld",&stud->num); cl=dele(cl,num); }break; case 5: exit(0); default:break; } }while(i!=0); return 0; }