create table tmp_log_sucSds0216 as select nsrsbh,sblsh from gx_log_suc where sssq_z=to_date('2005-12-31','yyyy-mm-dd')
and sssq_q=to_date('2005-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd')
select count(*) from tmp_log_sucSds0216 where nsrsbh in(select nsrsbh from gx_log_suc where zsxm_dm in('01','03'))
delete from tmp_log_sucSds0216 where nsrsbh in(select nsrsbh from gx_log_suc where zsxm_dm in('01','03'))
select count(*),a.dlbh,b.changfile from gx_log_suc a left join (select distinct(dlmc) as dlmc,changfile from gx_dlkz) b on a.dlbh=b.dlmc
where a.sblsh in(select sblsh from tmp_log_sucSds0216) and a.dlbh like '%370%'
group by a.dlbh,b.changfile
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