请问怎样让ASP记录集分成n列显示? <% dim pagecount,page,Spage,Epage,recordcount,i page = request.querystring("page") if page = "" or IsNull(page) then page = 1 if not IsNumeric(page) then page = 1 page = Cint(page) 'set rs = server.CreateObject ("Adodb.recordset") sql="select * from [site] where bid="&tempbid&" and sid="&tempsid&" and ifpass=1 order by hits desc" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 recordcount = RS.RecordCount RS.PageSize = PAGESIZE pagecount = RS.PageCount if page < 1 then page = 1 elseif page > pagecount then page = pagecount end if if RS.EOF then Response.Write("<br><font color=red>该类别目前还没有</font> <a href=./>返回首页</a><br><br><br>") else if recordcount > 0 then RS.AbsolutePage = page for i = 1 to PAGESIZE if RS.EOF then exit for %>