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#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
using std::istream;

#ifndef STRING1_H_
#define STRING1_H_
class String
    char * str;             // pointer to string
    int len;                // length of string
    static int num_strings; // number of objects
    enum {CINLIM=80};  // cin input limit //定义了以后编译时候说没有定义这个常量
    // constructors and other methods
    String(const char * s); // constructor
    String();               // default constructor
    String(const String &); // copy constructor
    ~String();              // destructor
    int length () const { return len; }
    // overloaded operator methods   
    String & operator=(const String &);
    String & operator=(const char *);
    char & operator[](int i);
    const char & operator[](int i) const;
    // overloaded operator friends
    friend bool operator<(const String &st, const String &st2);
    friend bool operator>(const String &st1, const String &st2);
    friend bool operator==(const String &st, const String &st2);
    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const String & st);
    friend istream & operator>>(istream & is, String & st);
    // static function
    static int HowMany();
// string1.cpp -- String class methods
#include <cstring>                 // string.h for some
#include "string1.h"               // includes <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;

// initializing static class member

int String::num_strings = 0;

// static method
int String::HowMany()
    return num_strings;

// class methods
String::String(const char * s)     // construct String from C string
    len = strlen(s);          // set size
    str = new char[len + 1];       // allot storage
    strcpy(str, s);           // initialize pointer
    num_strings++;                 // set object count

String::String()                   // default constructor
    len = 4;
    str = new char[1];
    str[0] = '\0';                 // default string

String::String(const String & st)
    num_strings++;             // handle static member update
    len = st.len;              // same length
    str = new char [len + 1];  // allot space
    strcpy(str, st.str);  // copy string to new location

String::~String()                     // necessary destructor
    --num_strings;                    // required
    delete [] str;                    // required

// overloaded operator methods   

    // assign a String to a String
String & String::operator=(const String & st)
    if (this == &st)
        return *this;
    delete [] str;
    len = st.len;
    str = new char[len + 1];
    strcpy(str, st.str);
    return *this;

    // assign a C string to a String
String & String::operator=(const char * s)
    delete [] str;
    len = strlen(s);
    str = new char[len + 1];
    strcpy(str, s);
    return *this;

    // read-write char access for non-const String
char & String::operator[](int i)
    return str[i];

    // read-only char access for const String
const char & String::operator[](int i) const
    return str[i];

// overloaded operator friends

bool operator<(const String &st1, const String &st2)
    return (strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) < 0);

bool operator>(const String &st1, const String &st2)
    return st2.str < st1.str;

bool operator==(const String &st1, const String &st2)
    return (strcmp(st1.str, st2.str) == 0);

    // simple String output
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const String & st)
    os << st.str;
    return os;

    // quick and dirty String input
istream & operator>>(istream & is, String & st)
    char temp[CINLIM]; //编译之后说没有定义 CINLIM
    if (is)
        st = temp;
    while (is && is.get() != '\n')
    return is;
#include <iostream>
#include "string1.h"
const int ArSize = 10;
const int MaxLen =81;
int main()
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;
    String name;
    cout <<"Hi, what's your name?\n>> ";
    cin >> name;
    cout << name << ", please enter up to " << ArSize
        << " short sayings <empty line to quit>:\n";
    String sayings[ArSize];     // array of objects
    char temp[MaxLen];          // temporary string storage
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < ArSize; i++)
        cout << i+1 << ": ";
        cin.get(temp, MaxLen);
        while (cin && cin.get() != '\n')
        if (!cin || temp[0] == '\0')    // empty line?
            break;              // i not incremented
            sayings[i] = temp;  // overloaded assignment
    int total = i;              // total # of lines read
    cout << "Here are your sayings:\n";
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        cout << sayings[i][0] << ": " << sayings[i] << endl;
    int shortest = 0;
    int first = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < total; i++)
        if (sayings[i].length() < sayings[shortest].length())
            shortest = i;
        if (sayings[i] < sayings[first])
            first = i;
    cout << "Shortest saying:\n" << sayings[shortest] << endl;;
    cout << "First alphabetically:\n" << sayings[first] << endl;
    cout << "This program used "<< String::HowMany()
        << " String objects. Bye.\n";
    return 0;
eleting intermediate files and output files for project 'zy_12_5 - Win32 Debug'.
--------------------Configuration: zy_12_5 - Win32 Debug--------------------
d:\c++程序\zy_12_5\string1.cpp(111) : error C2065: 'CINLIM' : undeclared identifier
d:\c++程序\zy_12_5\string1.cpp(111) : error C2057: expected constant expression
d:\c++程序\zy_12_5\string1.cpp(111) : error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
d:\c++程序\zy_12_5\string1.cpp(111) : error C2133: 'temp' : unknown size
Error executing cl.exe.

zy_12_5.exe - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 头疼 重载 构造 函数 操作符 
2009-12-02 23:12

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