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标题:请哪位大侠帮我看看这个C语言读取PDF文件的程序,我不会,谢谢,但又对我十分之 ...
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注 册:2009-5-21
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//This file contains extremely crude C source code to extract plain text
//from a PDF file. It is only intended to show some of the basics involved
//in the process and by no means good enough for commercial use.
//But it can be easily modified to suit your purpose. Code is by no means
//warranted to be bug free or suitable for any purpose.
//Adobe has a web site that converts PDF files to text for free,
//so why would you need something like this? Several reasons:
//1) This code is entirely free including for commericcial use. It only
//   requires ZLIB (from www.) which is entirely free as well.
//2) This code tries to put tabs into appropriate places in the text,
//   which means that if your PDF file contains mostly one large table,
//   you can easily take the output of this program and directly read it
//   into Excel! Otherwise if you select and copy the text and paste it into
//   Excel there is no way to extract the various columns again.
//This code assumes that the PDF file has text objects compressed
//using FlateDecode (which seems to be standard).
//This code is free. Use it for any purpose.
//The author assumes no liability whatsoever for the use of this code.
//Use it at your own risk!

//PDF file strings (based on PDFReference15_v5.pdf from www.
//BT = Beginning of a text object, ET = end of a text object
//5 Ts = superscript
//-5 Ts = subscript
//Td move to start next line

//No precompiled headers, but uncomment if need be:
#include "stdafx.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

//YOur project must also include zdll.lib (ZLIB) as a dependency.
//ZLIB can be freely downloaded from the internet, www.
//Use 4 byte struct alignment in your project!

#include "zlib.h"

//Find a string in a buffer:
size_t FindStringInBuffer (char* buffer, char* search, size_t buffersize)
    char* buffer0 = buffer;

    size_t len = strlen(search);
    bool fnd = false;
    while (!fnd)
        fnd = true;
        for (size_t i=0; i<len; i++)
            if (buffer[i]!=search[i])
                fnd = false;
        if (fnd) return buffer - buffer0;
        buffer = buffer + 1;
        if (buffer - buffer0 + len >= buffersize) return -1;
    return -1;

//Keep this many previous recent characters for back reference:
#define oldchar 15

//Convert a recent set of characters into a number if there is one.
//Otherwise return -1:
float ExtractNumber(const char* search, int lastcharoffset)
    int i = lastcharoffset;
    while (i>0 && search[i]==' ') i--;
    while (i>0 && (isdigit(search[i]) || search[i]=='.')) i--;
    float flt=-1.0;
    char buffer[oldchar+5]; ZeroMemory(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
    strncpy(buffer, search+i+1, lastcharoffset-i);
    if (buffer[0] && sscanf(buffer, "%f", &flt))
        return flt;
    return -1.0;

//Check if a certain 2 character token just came along (e.g. BT):
bool seen2(const char* search, char* recent)
if (    recent[oldchar-3]==search[0]
     && recent[oldchar-2]==search[1]
     && (recent[oldchar-1]==' ' || recent[oldchar-1]==0x0d || recent[oldchar-1]==0x0a)
     && (recent[oldchar-4]==' ' || recent[oldchar-4]==0x0d || recent[oldchar-4]==0x0a)
        return true;
    return false;

//This method processes an uncompressed Adobe (text) object and extracts text.
void ProcessOutput(FILE* file, char* output, size_t len)
    //Are we currently inside a text object?
    bool intextobject = false;

    //Is the next character literal (e.g. \\ to get a \ character or \( to get ( ):
    bool nextliteral = false;
    //() Bracket nesting level. Text appears inside ()
    int rbdepth = 0;

    //Keep previous chars to get extract numbers etc.:
    char oc[oldchar];
    int j=0;
    for (j=0; j<oldchar; j++) oc[j]=' ';

    for (size_t i=0; i<len; i++)
        char c = output[i];
        if (intextobject)
            if (rbdepth==0 && seen2("TD", oc))
                //See if a new line has to start or just a tab:
                float num = ExtractNumber(oc,oldchar-5);
                if (num>1.0)
                    fputc(0x0d, file);
                    fputc(0x0a, file);
                if (num<1.0)
                    fputc('\t', file);
            if (rbdepth==0 && seen2("ET", oc))
                //End of a text object, also go to a new line.
                intextobject = false;
                fputc(0x0d, file);
                fputc(0x0a, file);
            else if (c=='(' && rbdepth==0 && !nextliteral)
                //Start outputting text!
                //See if a space or tab (>1000) is called for by looking
                //at the number in front of (
                int num = ExtractNumber(oc,oldchar-1);
                if (num>0)
                    if (num>1000.0)
                        fputc('\t', file);
                    else if (num>100.0)
                        fputc(' ', file);
            else if (c==')' && rbdepth==1 && !nextliteral)
                //Stop outputting text
            else if (rbdepth==1)
                //Just a normal text character:
                if (c=='\\' && !nextliteral)
                    //Only print out next character no matter what. Do not interpret.
                    nextliteral = true;
                    nextliteral = false;
                    if ( ((c>=' ') && (c<='~')) || ((c>=128) && (c<255)) )
                        fputc(c, file);
        //Store the recent characters for when we have to go back for a number:
        for (j=0; j<oldchar-1; j++) oc[j]=oc[j+1];
        if (!intextobject)
            if (seen2("BT", oc))
                //Start of a text object:
                intextobject = true;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //Discard existing output:
    FILE* fileo = fopen("c:\\pdf\\output2.txt", "w");
    if (fileo) fclose(fileo);
    fileo = fopen("c:\\pdf\\output2.txt", "a");

    //Open the PDF source file:
    FILE* filei = fopen("c:\\pdf\\somepdf.pdf", "rb");

    if (filei && fileo)
        //Get the file length:
        int fseekres = fseek(filei,0, SEEK_END);   //fseek==0 if ok
        long filelen = ftell(filei);
        fseekres = fseek(filei,0, SEEK_SET);

        //Read ethe ntire file into memory (!):
        char* buffer = new char [filelen]; ZeroMemory(buffer, filelen);
        size_t actualread = fread(buffer, filelen, 1 ,filei);  //must return 1

        bool morestreams = true;

        //Now search the buffer repeated for streams of data:
        while (morestreams)
            //Search for stream, endstream. We ought to first check the filter
            //of the object to make sure it if FlateDecode, but skip that for now!
            size_t streamstart = FindStringInBuffer (buffer, "stream", filelen);
            size_t streamend   = FindStringInBuffer (buffer, "endstream", filelen);
            if (streamstart>0 && streamend>streamstart)
                //Skip to beginning and end of the data stream:
                streamstart += 6;

                if (buffer[streamstart]==0x0d && buffer[streamstart+1]==0x0a) streamstart+=2;
                else if (buffer[streamstart]==0x0a) streamstart++;

                if (buffer[streamend-2]==0x0d && buffer[streamend-1]==0x0a) streamend-=2;
                else if (buffer[streamend-1]==0x0a) streamend--;

                //Assume output will fit into 10 times input buffer:
                size_t outsize = (streamend - streamstart)*10;
                char* output = new char [outsize]; ZeroMemory(output, outsize);

                //Now use zlib to inflate:
                z_stream zstrm; ZeroMemory(&zstrm, sizeof(zstrm));

                zstrm.avail_in = streamend - streamstart + 1;
                zstrm.avail_out = outsize;
                zstrm.next_in = (Bytef*)(buffer + streamstart);
                zstrm.next_out = (Bytef*)output;

                int rsti = inflateInit(&zstrm);
                if (rsti == Z_OK)
                    int rst2 = inflate (&zstrm, Z_FINISH);
                    if (rst2 >= 0)
                        //Ok, got something, extract the text:
                        size_t totout = zstrm.total_out;
                        ProcessOutput(fileo, output, totout);
                delete[] output; output=0;
                buffer+= streamend + 7;
                filelen = filelen - (streamend+7);
                morestreams = false;
    if (fileo) fclose(fileo);
    return 0;

C读取PDF.zip (3.56 KB)
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: C语言 读取文件 PDF 格式 源代码 
2009-08-06 17:11
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:9
注 册:2009-5-21
回复 2楼 flyue

2009-08-10 10:47
快速回复:请哪位大侠帮我看看这个C语言读取PDF文件的程序,我不会,谢谢,但又对我 ...

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