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' 描述: Asp无组件上传

Dim DoteyUpload_SourceData

Class DoteyUpload
    Public Files
    Public Form
    Public MaxTotalBytes
    Public Version
    Public ProgressID
    Public ErrMsg
    Private BytesRead
    Private ChunkReadSize
    Private Info
    Private Progress

    Private UploadProgressInfo
    Private CrLf

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Set Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")    ' 上传文件集合
        Set Form = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")    ' 表单集合
        UploadProgressInfo = "DoteyUploadProgressInfo"  ' Application的Key
        MaxTotalBytes = 2 *1024 *1024 ' 默认最大2M
        ChunkReadSize = 64 * 1024    ' 分块大小64K
        CrLf = Chr(13) & Chr(10)    ' 换行

        Set DoteyUpload_SourceData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        DoteyUpload_SourceData.Type = 1 ' 二进制流

        Version = "1.0 Beta"    ' 版本
        ErrMsg = ""    ' 错误信息
        Set Progress = New ProgressInfo

    End Sub

    ' 将文件根据其文件名统一保存在某路径下
    Public Sub SaveTo(path)
        Upload()    ' 上传

        if right(path,1) <> "/" then path = path & "/"

        ' 遍历所有已上传文件
        For Each fileItem In Files.Items            
            fileItem.SaveAs path & fileItem.FileName

        ' 保存结束后更新进度信息
        Progress.ReadyState = "complete" '上传结束
        UpdateProgressInfo progressID

    End Sub

    ' 分析上传的数据,并保存到相应集合中
    Public Sub Upload ()

        Dim TotalBytes, Boundary
        TotalBytes = Request.TotalBytes     ' 总大小
        If TotalBytes < 1 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If TotalBytes > MaxTotalBytes Then
            response.write("<div align =center><font color='red'><strong>您当前上传大小为" & TotalBytes/1000 & " K,最大允许为" & MaxTotalBytes/1024 & "K</strong></font></div>")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Boundary = GetBoundary()
        If IsNull(Boundary) Then
            Exit Sub     ''如果form中没有包括multipart/form-data上传是无效的
        End If
        Boundary = StringToBinary(Boundary)
        Progress.ReadyState = "loading" '开始上传
        Progress.TotalBytes = TotalBytes
        UpdateProgressInfo progressID

        Dim DataPart, PartSize
        BytesRead = 0

        Do While BytesRead < TotalBytes

            PartSize = ChunkReadSize
            if PartSize + BytesRead > TotalBytes Then PartSize = TotalBytes - BytesRead
            DataPart = Request.BinaryRead(PartSize)
            BytesRead = BytesRead + PartSize

            DoteyUpload_SourceData.Write DataPart

            Progress.UploadedBytes = BytesRead
            Progress.LastActivity = Now()

            ' 更新进度信息
            UpdateProgressInfo progressID


        ' 上传结束后更新进度信息
        Progress.ReadyState = "loaded" '上传结束
        UpdateProgressInfo progressID

        Dim Binary
        DoteyUpload_SourceData.Position = 0
        Binary = DoteyUpload_SourceData.Read

        Dim BoundaryStart, BoundaryEnd, PosEndOfHeader, IsBoundaryEnd
        Dim Header, bFieldContent
        Dim FieldName
        Dim File
        Dim TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary

        BoundaryStart = InStrB(Binary, Boundary)
        BoundaryEnd = InStrB(BoundaryStart + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary, 0)

        Do While (BoundaryStart > 0 And BoundaryEnd > 0 And Not IsBoundaryEnd)
            ' 获取表单头的结束位置
            PosEndOfHeader = InStrB(BoundaryStart + LenB(Boundary), Binary, StringToBinary(vbCrLf + vbCrLf))
            ' 分离表单头信息,类似于:
            ' Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="G:\homepage.txt"
            ' Content-Type: text/plain
            Header = BinaryToString(MidB(Binary, BoundaryStart + LenB(Boundary) + 2, PosEndOfHeader - BoundaryStart - LenB(Boundary) - 2))

            ' 分离表单内容
            bFieldContent = MidB(Binary, (PosEndOfHeader + 4), BoundaryEnd - (PosEndOfHeader + 4) - 2)
            FieldName = GetFieldName(Header)
            ' 如果是附件
            If InStr (Header,"filename=""") > 0 Then
                Set File = New FileInfo
                ' 获取文件相关信息
                Dim clientPath
                clientPath = GetFileName(Header)
                File.FileName = GetFileNameByPath(clientPath)
                File.FileExt = GetFileExt(clientPath)

                File.FilePath = clientPath
                File.FileType = GetFileType(Header)
                File.FileStart = PosEndOfHeader + 3
                File.FileSize = BoundaryEnd - (PosEndOfHeader + 4) - 2
                File.FormName = FieldName

                ' 如果该文件不为空并不存在该表单项保存之
                If Not Files.Exists(FieldName) And File.FileSize > 0 Then
                    Files.Add FieldName, File
                End If
                ' 允许同名表单
                If Form.Exists(FieldName) Then
                    Form(FieldName) = Form(FieldName) & "," & BinaryToString(bFieldContent)
                    Form.Add FieldName, BinaryToString(bFieldContent)
                End If
            End If

            ' 是否结束位置
            TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = BinaryToString(MidB(Binary, BoundaryEnd + LenB(Boundary), 2))
            IsBoundaryEnd = TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = "--"

            If Not IsBoundaryEnd Then ' 如果不是结尾, 继续读取下一块
                BoundaryStart = BoundaryEnd
                BoundaryEnd = InStrB(BoundaryStart + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary)
            End If
        ' 解析文件结束后更新进度信息
        Progress.UploadedBytes = TotalBytes
        Progress.ReadyState = "interactive" '解析文件结束
        UpdateProgressInfo progressID

    End Sub

    Private Sub Raise(Message)
        ErrMsg = ErrMsg & "[" & Now & "]" & Message & "<BR>"
        Progress.ErrorMessage = Message
        UpdateProgressInfo ProgressID
        'call Err.Raise(vbObjectError, "DoteyUpload", Message)

    End Sub

    ' 取边界值
    Private Function GetBoundary()
        Dim ContentType, ctArray, bArray
        ContentType = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE")
        ctArray = Split(ContentType, ";")
        If Trim(ctArray(0)) = "multipart/form-data" Then
            bArray = Split(Trim(ctArray(1)), "=")
            GetBoundary = "--" & Trim(bArray(1))
        Else    '如果form中没有包括multipart/form-data上传是无效的
            GetBoundary = null
        End If
    End Function

    ' 将二进制流转化成文本
    Private Function BinaryToString(xBinary)
        Dim Binary
        if vartype(xBinary) = 8 then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) else Binary = xBinary
      Dim RS, LBinary
      Const adLongVarChar = 201
      Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
      LBinary = LenB(Binary)
        if LBinary>0 then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
                RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary
            BinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
            BinaryToString = ""
        End If
    End Function

    Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
      Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
      Const adLongVarBinary = 205
      Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
      LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
        if LMultiByte>0 then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
                RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
            Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
        End If
      MultiByteToBinary = Binary
    End Function

    ' 字符串到二进制
    Function StringToBinary(String)
        Dim I, B
        For I=1 to len(String)
            B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(String,I,1)))
        StringToBinary = B
    End Function

    Private Function GetFieldName(infoStr)
        Dim sPos, EndPos
        sPos = InStr(infoStr, "name=")
        EndPos = InStr(sPos + 6, infoStr, Chr(34) & ";")
        If EndPos = 0 Then
            EndPos = inStr(sPos + 6, infoStr, Chr(34))
        End If
        GetFieldName = Mid(infoStr, sPos + 6, endPos - _
            (sPos + 6))
    End Function

    Private Function GetFileName(infoStr)
        Dim sPos, EndPos
        sPos = InStr(infoStr, "filename=")
        EndPos = InStr(infoStr, Chr(34) & CrLf)
        GetFileName = Mid(infoStr, sPos + 10, EndPos - _
            (sPos + 10))
    End Function

    '返回文件的 MIME type
    Private Function GetFileType(infoStr)
        sPos = InStr(infoStr, "Content-Type: ")
        GetFileType = Mid(infoStr, sPos + 14)
    End Function

    Private Function GetFileNameByPath(FullPath)
        Dim pos
        pos = 0
        FullPath = Replace(FullPath, "/", "\")
        pos = InStrRev(FullPath, "\") + 1
        If (pos > 0) Then
            GetFileNameByPath = Mid(FullPath, pos)
            GetFileNameByPath = FullPath
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function GetFileExt(FullPath)
        Dim pos
        pos = InStrRev(FullPath,".")
        if pos>0 then GetFileExt = Mid(FullPath, Pos)
    End Function

    ' 更新进度信息
    ' 进度信息保存在Application中的ADODB.Recordset对象中
    Private Sub UpdateProgressInfo(progressID)
        Const adTypeText = 2, adDate = 7, adUnsignedInt = 19, adVarChar = 200
        If (progressID <> "" And IsNumeric(progressID)) Then
            if IsEmpty(Application(UploadProgressInfo)) Then
                Set Info = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
                Set Application(UploadProgressInfo) = Info
                Info.Fields.Append "ProgressID", adUnsignedInt
                Info.Fields.Append "StartTime", adDate
                Info.Fields.Append "LastActivity", adDate
                Info.Fields.Append "TotalBytes", adUnsignedInt
                Info.Fields.Append "UploadedBytes", adUnsignedInt
                Info.Fields.Append "ReadyState", adVarChar, 128
                Info.Fields.Append "ErrorMessage", adVarChar, 4000
                 Info("ProgressID").Properties("Optimize") = true
                Set Info = Application(UploadProgressInfo)
                If Not Info.Eof Then
                    Info.Find "ProgressID = " & progressID
                End If
                If (Info.EOF) Then
                End If
            End If

            Info("ProgressID") = clng(progressID)
            Info("StartTime") = Progress.StartTime
            Info("LastActivity") = Now()
            Info("TotalBytes") = Progress.TotalBytes
            Info("UploadedBytes") = Progress.UploadedBytes
            Info("ReadyState") = Progress.ReadyState
            Info("ErrorMessage") = Progress.ErrorMessage

        End IF
    End Sub

    ' 根据上传ID获取进度信息
    Public Function GetProgressInfo(progressID)

        Dim pi, Infos
        Set pi = New ProgressInfo
        If Not IsEmpty(Application(UploadProgressInfo)) Then
            Set Infos = Application(UploadProgressInfo)
            If Not Infos.Eof Then
                Infos.Find "ProgressID = " & progressID
                If Not Infos.EOF Then
                    pi.StartTime = Infos("StartTime")
                    pi.LastActivity = Infos("LastActivity")
                    pi.TotalBytes = clng(Infos("TotalBytes"))
                    pi.UploadedBytes = clng(Infos("UploadedBytes"))
                    pi.ReadyState = Trim(Infos("ReadyState"))
                    pi.ErrorMessage = Trim(Infos("ErrorMessage"))
                    Set GetProgressInfo = pi
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Set GetProgressInfo = pi
    End Function

    ' 移除指定的进度信息
    Private Sub RemoveProgressInfo(progressID)
        If Not IsEmpty(Application(UploadProgressInfo)) Then
            Set Info = Application(UploadProgressInfo)
            If Not Info.Eof Then
                Info.Find "ProgressID = " & progressID
                If  Not Info.EOF Then
                End If
            End If

            ' 如果没有记录了, 直接释放, 避免'800a0bcd'错误
            If Info.RecordCount = 0 Then
                Application.Contents.Remove UploadProgressInfo
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    ' 移除指定的进度信息
    Private Sub RemoveOldProgressInfo(progressID)
        If Not IsEmpty(Application(UploadProgressInfo)) Then
            Dim L

            Set Info = Application(UploadProgressInfo)

                L = Info("LastActivity").Value
                If IsEmpty(L) Then
                ElseIf DateDiff("d", Now(), L) > 30 Then
                End If
            Loop Until Info.EOF

            ' 如果没有记录了, 直接释放, 避免'800a0bcd'错误
            If Info.RecordCount = 0 Then
                Application.Contents.Remove UploadProgressInfo
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

' 进度信息 类
Class ProgressInfo
    Public UploadedBytes
    Public TotalBytes
    Public StartTime
    Public LastActivity
    Public ReadyState
    Public ErrorMessage

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        UploadedBytes = 0    ' 已上传大小
        TotalBytes = 0    ' 总大小
        StartTime = Now()    ' 开始时间
        LastActivity = Now()     ' 最后更新时间
        ReadyState = "uninitialized"    ' uninitialized,loading,loaded,interactive,complete
        ErrorMessage = ""
    End Sub

    ' 总大小
    Public Property Get TotalSize
        TotalSize = FormatNumber(TotalBytes / 1024, 0, 0, 0, -1) & " K"
    End Property

    ' 已上传大小
    Public Property Get SizeCompleted
        SizeCompleted = FormatNumber(UploadedBytes / 1024, 0, 0, 0, -1) & " K"
    End Property

    ' 已上传秒数
    Public Property Get ElapsedSeconds
        ElapsedSeconds = DateDiff("s", StartTime, Now())
    End Property

    ' 已上传时间
    Public Property Get ElapsedTime
        If ElapsedSeconds > 3600 then
            ElapsedTime = ElapsedSeconds \ 3600 & " 时 " & (ElapsedSeconds mod 3600) \ 60 & " 分 " & ElapsedSeconds mod 60 & " 秒"
        ElseIf ElapsedSeconds > 60 then
            ElapsedTime = ElapsedSeconds \ 60 & " 分 " & ElapsedSeconds mod 60 & " 秒"
            ElapsedTime = ElapsedSeconds mod 60 & " 秒"
        End If
    End Property

    ' 传输速率
    Public Property Get TransferRate
        If ElapsedSeconds > 0 Then
            TransferRate = FormatNumber(UploadedBytes / 1024 / ElapsedSeconds, 2, 0, 0, -1) & " K/秒"
            TransferRate = "0 K/秒"
        End If
    End Property

    ' 完成百分比
    Public Property Get Percentage
        If TotalBytes > 0 Then
            Percentage = fix(UploadedBytes / TotalBytes * 100) & "%"
            Percentage = "0%"
        End If
    End Property

    ' 估计剩余时间
    Public Property Get TimeLeft
        If UploadedBytes > 0 Then
            SecondsLeft = fix(ElapsedSeconds * (TotalBytes / UploadedBytes - 1))
            If SecondsLeft > 3600 then
                TimeLeft = SecondsLeft \ 3600 & " 时 " & (SecondsLeft mod 3600) \ 60 & " 分 " & SecondsLeft mod 60 & " 秒"
            ElseIf SecondsLeft > 60 then
                TimeLeft = SecondsLeft \ 60 & " 分 " & SecondsLeft mod 60 & " 秒"
                TimeLeft = SecondsLeft mod 60 & " 秒"
            End If
            TimeLeft = "未知"
        End If
    End Property

End Class

' 文件信息 类
Class FileInfo
    Dim FormName, FileName, FilePath, FileSize, FileType, FileStart, FileExt, NewFileName

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        FileName = ""        ' 文件名
        FilePath = ""            ' 客户端路径
        FileSize = 0            ' 文件大小
        FileStart= 0            ' 文件开始位置
        FormName = ""    ' 表单名
        FileType = ""        ' 文件Content Type
        FileExt = ""            ' 文件扩展名
        NewFileName = ""    '上传后文件名
    End Sub

    Public Function Save()
    End Function

    ' 保存文件
    Public Function SaveAs(fullpath)
        Dim dr
        SaveAs = false
        If trim(fullpath) = "" Or FileStart = 0 Or FileName = "" Or right(fullpath,1) = "/" Then Exit Function
        NewFileName = GetFileNameByPath(fullpath)

        Set dr = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
        dr.Mode = 3
        dr.Type = 1
        DoteyUpload_SourceData.position = FileStart
        DoteyUpload_SourceData.copyto dr, FileSize
        dr.SaveToFile MapPath(FullPath), 2
        set dr = nothing
        SaveAs = true
    End function

    ' 返回Binary
    Public Function GetBinary()
        Dim Binary
        If FileStart = 0 Then Exit Function

        DoteyUpload_SourceData.Position = FileStart
        Binary = DoteyUpload_SourceData.Read(FileSize)

        GetBinary = Binary
    End function

    ' 取服务器端路径
    Private Function MapPath(Path)
        If InStr(1, Path, ":") > 0 Or Left(Path, 2) = "\\" Then
            MapPath = Path
            MapPath = Server.MapPath(Path)
        End If
    End function

    Private Function GetFileNameByPath(FullPath)
        Dim pos
        pos = 0
        FullPath = Replace(FullPath, "/", "\")
        pos = InStrRev(FullPath, "\") + 1
        If (pos > 0) Then
            GetFileNameByPath = Mid(FullPath, pos)
            GetFileNameByPath = FullPath
        End If
    End Function

End Class


Public function StrLength(str)
   Dim Rep,lens,i   '建立变量
   Set rep=new regexp    '建立正则表达式
   rep.Global=true    '设置全局可用性
   rep.IgnoreCase=true    '设置是否区分字符大小写
   rep.Pattern="[\u4E00-\u9FA5\uF900-\uFA2D]"    '设置模式
   For each i in rep.Execute(str)
   Set Rep=Nothing
   lens=lens + len(str)
   strLength=lens   '返回长度
  End Function

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