错误 2 error C2664: “count”: 不能将参数 2 从“month [12]”转换为“const month” f:\program files\program\study\study\countdays.cpp 41 Study![](zzz/editor/img/code.gif)
#include "stdafx.h" #define STAR "****************************" /*月份结构*/ const struct month { char *name; char sname[4]; int days; int months; }; /*计算输入月份以及以前的天数*/ int count(int, const struct month); int main(void) { struct month mymonth[12]= { {"January","jan",31,1}, {"Febuary","feb",28,2}, {"March","mar",31,3}, {"April","apr",30,4}, {"May","may",31,5}, {"June","jun",30,6}, {"July","jul",31,7}, {"Auguest","aug",31,8}, {"Sepetember","sep",30,9}, {"October","oct",31,10}, {"November","nov",30,11}, {"December","dec",31,12} }; int i; printf("%s%s",STAR,STAR); printf("This program work out the days before(include) the month you entered."); printf("%s%s",STAR,STAR); /*有效性判断*/ while((scanf("%d",&i)!=1)||((i<1)||(i>12))) { printf("Please enter a number between 1 and 12, eg.:3. : "); } printf("The days are:%d",count(i, mymonth)); return 0; } int count(int n, const struct month mon[]) { int i,result; for(i=0,result=0;i<n;i++) { result+=mon[i].days; } return result; }