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Disassembly of File: M.EXE
Code Offset = 00000290, Code Size = 00000092
Data Offset = 00000000, Data Size = 00000000

Number of Objects = 0001 (dec), Imagebase = 00000000h

Object01: RVA: 00000000 Offset: 00000290 Size: 00000092 Flags: 00000000

Number of Imported Modules = 0 (decimal)

+++++++++++++++++++ IMPORT MODULE DETAILS +++++++++++++++

+++++++++++++++++++ EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ++++++++++++++++++
Number of Exported Functions = 0000 (decimal)

+++++++++++++++++++ ASSEMBLY CODE LISTING ++++++++++++++++++
//********************** Start of Code in Object BinaryCode **************
Program Entry Point = 0001:0000

//********************** Start of Code in Segment: 1 **************

//******************** Program Entry Point ********
:0001.0000 1E push ds
:0001.0001 B80000 mov ax, 0000
:0001.0004 50 push ax
:0001.0005 B80000 mov ax, 0000
:0001.0008 8ED8 mov ds, ax
:0001.000A E81600 call 0023
:0001.000D B92F00 mov cx, 002F
:0001.0010 E85400 call 0067
:0001.0013 E85A00 call 0070
:0001.0016 B94D00 mov cx, 004D
:0001.0019 E84B00 call 0067
:0001.001C E83400 call 0053
:0001.001F E86B00 call 008D
:0001.0022 CB retf

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0001.0023 BA1500 mov dx, 0015
:0001.0026 B409 mov ah, 09
:0001.0028 CD21 int 21
:0001.002A B401 mov ah, 01
:0001.002C CD21 int 21
:0001.002E 2C30 sub al, 30
:0001.0030 3C01 cmp al, 01
:0001.0032 7209 jb 003D
:0001.0034 3C07 cmp al, 07
:0001.0036 7705 ja 003D
:0001.0038 A27B00 mov byte ptr [007B], al
:0001.003B EB15 jmp 0052

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0001.0032(C), :0001.0036(C)
:0001.003D B92F00 mov cx, 002F
:0001.0040 E82400 call 0067
:0001.0043 E81900 call 005F
:0001.0046 B92900 mov cx, 0029
:0001.0049 E81B00 call 0067
:0001.004C E80400 call 0053
:0001.004F E83B00 call 008D

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0001.0052 C3 ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0001.001C, :0001.004C
:0001.0053 BA3600 mov dx, 0036
:0001.0056 B409 mov ah, 09
:0001.0058 CD21 int 21
:0001.005A B401 mov ah, 01
:0001.005C CD21 int 21
:0001.005E C3 ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0001.005F BA5300 mov dx, 0053
:0001.0062 B409 mov ah, 09
:0001.0064 CD21 int 21
:0001.0066 C3 ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0001.0010, :0001.0019, :0001.0040, :0001.0049
:0001.0067 B220 mov dl, 20
:0001.0069 B402 mov ah, 02
:0001.006B CD21 int 21
:0001.006D E2F8 loop 0067
:0001.006F C3 ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0001.0070 33DB xor bx, bx
:0001.0072 8A1E7B00 mov bl , [007B]
:0001.0076 FECB dec bl
:0001.0078 8AC3 mov al , bl
:0001.007A D0E3 shl bl, 01
:0001.007C 02D8 add bl , al
:0001.007E B90300 mov cx, 0003
:0001.0081 8A970000 mov dl, [bx+0000]
:0001.0085 B402 mov ah, 02
:0001.0087 CD21 int 21
:0001.0089 43 inc bx
:0001.008A E2F5 loop 0081
:0001.008C C3 ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0001.001F, :0001.004F
:0001.008D B44C mov ah, 4C
:0001.008F CD21 int 21
:0001.0091 C3 ret

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 汇编程序 注释 
2006-12-16 21:04

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