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求助 一道c++程序题的挑战



(A)      磁盘文件名及其存储路径可分别用字符串类(string)实现。均匀分布随机数可用系统提




// lcgrand.cpp


/* Prime modulus multiplicative linear congruential generator--质数模乘线性共轭法产生器

   Z[i] = (630360016 * Z[i-1]) (mod(pow(2,31) - 1)), based on Marse and Roberts'

   portable FORTRAN random-number generator UNIRAN.  Multiple (100) streams are

   supported, with seeds spaced 100,000 apart.  Throughout, input argument

   "stream" must be an int giving the desired stream number.  


   Usage: (Three functions) — 用法


   1. To obtain the next U(0,1) random number from stream "stream," execute

          u = lcgrand(stream);

      where lcgrand is a float function.  The float variable u will contain the

      next random number.


   2. To set the seed for stream "stream" to a desired value zset, execute

          lcgrandst(zset, stream);

      where lcgrandst is a void function and zset must be a long set to the

      desired seed, a number between 1 and 2147483646 (inclusive).  Default

      seeds for all 100 streams are given in the code.


   3. To get the current (most recently used) integer in the sequence being

      generated for stream "stream" into the long variable zget, execute

          zget = lcgrandgt(stream);

      where lcgrandgt is a long function. */


/* Define the constants. */


#define MODLUS 2147483647

#define MULT1       24112

#define MULT2       26143


/* Set the default seeds for all 100 streams. */


static long zrng[] =

{         1,

 1973272912, 281629770,  20006270,1280689831,2096730329,1933576050,

  913566091, 246780520,1363774876, 604901985,1511192140,1259851944,

  824064364, 150493284, 242708531,  75253171,1964472944,1202299975,

  233217322,1911216000, 726370533, 403498145, 993232223,1103205531,

  762430696,1922803170,1385516923,  76271663, 413682397, 726466604,

  336157058,1432650381,1120463904, 595778810, 877722890,1046574445,

   68911991,2088367019, 748545416, 622401386,2122378830, 640690903,

 1774806513,2132545692,2079249579,  78130110, 852776735,1187867272,

 1351423507,1645973084,1997049139, 922510944,2045512870, 898585771,

  243649545,1004818771, 773686062, 403188473, 372279877,1901633463,

  498067494,2087759558, 493157915, 597104727,1530940798,1814496276,

  536444882,1663153658, 855503735,  67784357,1432404475, 619691088,

  119025595, 880802310, 176192644,1116780070, 277854671,1366580350,

 1142483975,2026948561,1053920743, 786262391,1792203830,1494667770,

 1923011392,1433700034,1244184613,1147297105, 539712780,1545929719,

  190641742,1645390429, 264907697, 620389253,1502074852, 927711160,

  364849192,2049576050, 638580085, 547070247 };


/* Generate the next random number. */


float lcgrand(int stream)


    long zi, lowprd, hi31;


    zi     = zrng[stream];

    lowprd = (zi & 65535) * MULT1;

    hi31   = (zi >> 16) * MULT1 + (lowprd >> 16);

    zi     = ((lowprd & 65535) - MODLUS) +

             ((hi31 & 32767) << 16) + (hi31 >> 15);

    if (zi < 0) zi += MODLUS;

    lowprd = (zi & 65535) * MULT2;

    hi31   = (zi >> 16) * MULT2 + (lowprd >> 16);

    zi     = ((lowprd & 65535) - MODLUS) +

             ((hi31 & 32767) << 16) + (hi31 >> 15);

    if (zi < 0) zi += MODLUS;

    zrng[stream] = zi;

    return (zi >> 7 | 1) / 16777216.0;





void lcgrandst (long zset, int stream) /* Set the current zrng for stream

                                          "stream" to zset. */


    zrng[stream] = zset;




long lcgrandgt (int stream) /* Return the current zrng for stream "stream". */


    return zrng[stream];


搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 挑战 
2008-07-24 12:58
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