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<form name="everything">                   <!-- A one-of-everything HTML form... -->

 <table border="border" cellpadding="5">   <!-- in a big HTML table -->


     <td>Username:<br>[1]<input type="text" name="username" size="15"></td>

     <td>Password:<br>[2]<input type="password" name="password" size="15"></td>

     <td rowspan="4">Input Events[3]<br>

       <textarea name="textarea" rows="20" cols="28"></textarea></td>

     <td rowspan="4" align="center" valign="center">

       [9]<input type="button" value="Clear" name="clearbutton"><br>

       [10]<input type="submit" name="submitbutton" value="Submit"><br>

       [11]<input type="reset" name="resetbutton" value="Reset"></td></tr>


     <td colspan="2">

       Filename: [4]<input type="file" name="file" size="15"></td></tr>


     <td>My Computer Peripherals:<br>

       [5]<input type="checkbox" name="peripherals" value="modem">56K Modem<br>

       [5]<input type="checkbox" name="peripherals" value="printer">Printer<br>

       [5]<input type="checkbox" name="peripherals" value="tape">Tape Backup</td>

     <td>My Web Browser:<br>

       [6]<input type="radio" name="browser" value="nn">Netscape<br>

       [6]<input type="radio" name="browser" value="ie">Internet Explorer<br>

       [6]<input type="radio" name="browser" value="other">Other</td></tr>


     <td>My Hobbies:[7]<br>

       <select multiple="multiple" name="hobbies" size="4">

         <option value="programming">Hacking JavaScript

         <option value="surfing">Surfing the Web

         <option value="caffeine">Drinking Coffee

         <option value="annoying">Annoying my Friends


     <td align="center" valign="center">My Favorite Color:<br>[8]

       <select name="color">

         <option value="red">Red        <option value="green">Green

         <option value="blue">Blue      <option value="white">White

         <option value="violet">Violet  <option value="peach">Peach




<div align="center">        <!-- Another table--the key to the one above -->

  <table border="4" bgcolor="pink" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">


      <td align="center"><b>Form Elements</b></td>

      <td>[1] Text</td>  <td>[2] Password</td>  <td>[3] Textarea</td>

      <td>[4] FileUpload</td> <td>[5] Checkbox</td></tr>


      <td>[6] Radio</td>  <td>[7] Select (list)</td>

      <td>[8] Select (menu)</td>  <td>[9] Button</td>

      <td>[10] Submit</td>  <td>[11] Reset</td></tr>




// This generic function appends details of an event to the big Textarea

// element in the form above. It is called from various event handlers.

function report(element, event) {

    var elmtname = element.name;

    if ((element.type == "select-one") || (element.type == "select-multiple")){

        value = " ";

        for(var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++)

            if (element.options[i].selected)

                value += element.options[i].value + " ";


    else if (element.type == "textarea") value = "...";

    else value = element.value;

    var msg = event + ": " + elmtname + ' (' + value + ')\n';

    var t = element.form.textarea;

    t.value = t.value + msg;


// This function adds a bunch of event handlers to every element in a form.

// It doesn't bother checking to see if the element supports the event handler,

// it just adds them all. Note that the event handlers call report(  ) above.

// Note that we're defining event handlers by assigning functions to the

// properties of JavaScript objects rather than by assigning strings to

// the attributes of HTML elements.

function addhandlers(f) {

    // Loop through all the elements in the form

    for(var i = 0; i < f.elements.length; i++) {

        var e = f.elements[i];

        e.onclick = function(  ) { report(this, 'Click'); }

        e.onchange = function(  ) { report(this, 'Change'); }

        e.onfocus = function(  ) { report(this, 'Focus'); }

        e.onblur = function(  ) { report(this, 'Blur'); }

        e.onselect = function(  ) { report(this, 'Select'); }


    // Define some special-case event handlers for the three buttons:

    f.clearbutton.onclick = function(  ) {

        this.form.textarea.value=''; report(this,'Click');


    f.submitbutton.onclick = function (  ) {

        report(this, 'Click'); return false;


    f.resetbutton.onclick = function(  ) {

        this.form.reset(  ); report(this, 'Click'); return false;



// Finally, activate our form by adding all possible event handlers!


中e.onclick ,e.onfocus等等事件处理器代码中this的含义什么。。很困惑。给小弟讲讲,先谢谢了。。。
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 环境 客户端 含义 
2010-04-05 17:03
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:23
注 册:2007-6-5
2010-04-08 20:58

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