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            set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
            sql="select * from series where ce like '%c%' order by pid"
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                                if not rs.eof then %>
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                 loop %>
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                              <% response.write rs("head") %>
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                                    ?<a href=product.asp?page=<% =page-1 %>><img src="c1/prev.gif" border=0></a>?
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                                    ?<a href=product.asp?page=<% =page+1 %>><img src="c1/next.gif" border=0></a>?
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                  if rs.pagecount<>1 then
                                    ?<a href=product.asp?page=<% =rs.pagecount %>><img src="c1/end.gif" border=0></a>?
                 end if
                 %>                                  </td>
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                    set rs=nothing
                    %>                            </td>
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[[it] 本帖最后由 lzlcn 于 2008-4-26 14:00 编辑 [/it]]
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: body title text 
2008-04-26 12:10
Rank: 2
来 自:广东网络公司
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:100
注 册:2007-5-18
                                <% if not rs.eof then %>
                  if rs.pagecount>1 then
rs.pagecount总是为1,这搞不明白,导至,我后面的if 语句都继续

2008-04-26 13:25
Rank: 2
来 自:广东网络公司
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:100
注 册:2007-5-18

2008-04-26 14:01

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