idHTTP 向网站用HTTP GET提交数据是用idHTTP.Get(); 还是用idHTTP.Post();
我看在indy9 help里是这样解释的:Get :
Retrieves an HTTP resource.
procedure Get(AURL: string; const AResponseContent: TStream); overload;
function Get(AURL: string): string; overload;
Get is an overloaded method used to retrieve the file or data for the resource specified in AURL.
Send HTTP data to a web server or CGI program.
function Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TStrings): string; overload;
function Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TStream): string; overload;
function Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream): string; overload;
procedure Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TStrings; const AResponseContent: TStream); overload;
procedure Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TStream; const AResponseContent: TStream); overload;
procedure Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; AResponseContent: TStream); overload;
Post is an overloaded method in TIdHTTP that is used to send data specified in ASource to the resource location in AURL。
所以有些疑惑,indy里的get post和asp里的get post是对应的吗?