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Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2007-4-19
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You are required to write a database program in C. The program should store the following details for each person:

Telephone number
E-mail address

On start-up the program should ask the user how many sets of details you want to store, and then allocate the appropriate space to store them. The user will then be presented with a menu of options as follows:

1. Enter data
2. Edit data
3. Delete data
4. Display data
5. Save data
6. Load data
7. Quit

Select an option (1-7):

Consider the following:

When entering data the program should allow the entry of a single persons details that will be added to the current data. The user should then be questioned “Enter more details (Y/N) ?”, so that additional details can be added or the user can be returned back to the menu.

All the data that space is allocated for does not need to be entered in one go. Imagine a golf club using your software as a customer database. All the customers are not going to join at once. Therefore the first time option 1. is chosen the program should say something like “Enter the details for customer 1”, and so on as the database is filled.

The delete/edit options should deal with deleting/editing a single persons details at one time.

If the user inputs that he/she wants 20 sets of details, the program should not allow more than 20 sets to be entered. A warning that the space is full should be included in your program.

You should clearly demonstrate use of the following features or concepts within your program:

1. A menu
2. Structures
3. File handling
4. Dynamic memory allocation

Additional marks will be given if a sorting algorithm is used to sort the entered data alphabetically, based upon the name entered. This could be added as an option from the menu. Further relevant options can be added if you feel the need.

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 国外 
2007-04-19 12:26
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2007-4-19
(这道破题占我COMPUTER MODULE的40%呢,希望高手们能帮帮我)
2007-04-19 15:00

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