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标题:灵川软件系统(杭州)有限公司 内部推荐机会
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Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2007-4-6
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灵川软件系统(杭州)有限公司 内部推荐机会
灵川软件系统(杭州)有限公司 内部推荐机会

我 们是一家快速发展的跨国IT咨询公司, 公司主要为国际上知名的投资银行提供软件开发,系统支持和数据处理服务。目前,SSS是英国成长最快的IT软件公司之一。公司在英国, 美国和中国均设有分公司。中国在杭州的分公司自2003年9月成立以来现已发展到200名员工,目标至2006年年底达到300名。为进一步顺应公司的迅 速发展和拓展业务的需要, 公司近期在新加坡成立了研发中心 ,需要大量的软件精英加盟。

我们期待着在中国地区能有更多优秀的, 经验丰富的IT精英人士加盟,与我们共同发展。

We provide excellent working conditions公司提供优良的工作条件和环境及其丰厚的报酬:

Good salaries and benefits 有竞争力的薪资福利

English language improvement training有全职的外籍教师提供英语培训和跟进

Possible opportunity to get training in UK有赴英国培训的机会

SSS is a global IT outsourcing/co-sourcing company with office in the UK, US, Singapore & China. In Hang Zhou, we have more than 200 staff. We want to grow to 350 by the end of this year. Our clients are international investment banks based in London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore. Most of our business involves computer systems that settle trades on international stock exchanges.
At SSS you will expand your horizons and enjoy a challenging role. You will be exposed to international clients and techniques and explore unique cross cultural experiences.

We want candidates with:
# Excellent spoken and written English skills.
# Relevant work experience and solid IT knowledge.
# Intelligence, flexibility and a positive, hard-working attitude.

Successful candidates will also benefit from...
# Highly competitive salary and benefits.
# English, IT & financial training.
# Oversea training/working opportunities.
# Excellent working conditions.

Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Senior Java/Oracle Developer
Senior C++ Developer

Client Support Group Analyst
Computer System Support- Platform Operations

C#.NET(VB) Developer
Oracle DBA
Business Objects Developer
Production Support Analysts
Network Support Analyst
Hyperion Developers (Singapore)
IT Application Support (Singapore)
AS400 support (Singapore)


Client Support Group Analyst
Computer System Support- Platform Operations
两个职位没有技术要求,希望你有良好的英语交流技能,这两个工作是直接和英国的team或者世界各地的客户打交道,可能要上晚班(on call)。

有意者请发简历到 joshua.hua@sssworldwide.com,我可以帮助内部推荐,合适的人选我们会立即与你联系的。或者有任何疑问也请直接发信至joshua.hua@sssworldwide.com。
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 杭州 软件系统 机会 推荐 
2007-04-06 12:58
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2007-4-6
2007-04-09 16:12
快速回复:灵川软件系统(杭州)有限公司 内部推荐机会

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