1 goal
Learn how to develop an application protocol as well as build an application over UNIX(linux) socket .
2 project description: build an on-line personal schedule manager
In this programming assignment, you are going to build a simple on- line personal weekly schedule manager. You need to develop and implement an application level protocol to support user’s schedule management which uses TCP. Your scheduler should be a concurrent application server that handles many different clients at the same time. Your scheduler protocol should be able to allow the following functionalities:
Scheduler maintains up to 1 year schedule: Jan 1to Dec 31 for each year;
Login service
Add a new appointment
Remove an old appointment
Update an existing appointment
Check a time conflict when a new appointment is added
Display a user’s the appointment: by time, date day week month or time interval
Proper exception handling(e.g: illegal inputs ,illegal access, etc)
Assume there are many already created users and stored at the server, There is no need to add or delete users. You can use different techniques to store and manage user’s schedule at the server side: using simple text files, or databases, etc. it is up to you to choose the appropriate way to implement your personal schedule manager protocol. There is no extra a point for databases.
2.1 programming environment
all programs have to be written C or C++ and run on Unix like platform. Please use SUN or Linux machines on Raytheon Lab
all connections between a server and clients should be TCP/IP socket.
A server and client should run on different machines.
2.2 Required skills
Everyone is expected to know following skills and knowledge in order to complete this programming assignment
TCP/IP socket programming
Understanding UNIX like operating system
Creating/invoking processes in UNIX like environment
C on current programming (fork() or multithread)
C or C++
Tel: 13894265924
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-26 19:31:07编辑过]