[求助] 一个关于采集到picture.tag 就显示图片的问题
Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, lpicturewidth As Long
Dim mmessage As String, lpicpos As Long, lstartmessage As Long
With Text1
.SelStart = Len(.Text)
.SelText = mmessage + vbCrLf
lstartmessage = .SelStart
End With
If emotions = True Then
'For i = 1 To Form2.Picture1.Count
' charcombo = Split(Form2.Picture1(i - 1).Tag, " ")
For j = 0 To 3
lpicpos = InStr(lstartmessage, Text1.Text, Form2.Picture1(j).Tag)
While lpicpos > 0
Text1.SelStart = lpicpos - 1
Text1.SelLength = Len(charcombo(i)) 'Clear the char combo text
Text1.SelText = ""
TextOut Picture1.hdc, textl.SelStart, 0, Text1.Text, 20
Picture1.PaintPicture Form2.Picture1(i).Picture, Text1.SelStart, 0, Form2.Picture1(i).ScaleWidth, Form2.Picture1(i).ScaleHeight
lpicpos = InStr(lpicpos, Text1.Text, Form2.Picture1(j).Tag)
Next j
'Next i
End If
End Sub
以上代码我运行了下 居然在form1的picture1中不显示form2.picture1(j)的图片 不知道哪儿搞错了 请高手指点迷津.