提交后显现“HTTP 500 - 内部服务器错误”,如果不2ssh.asp中不定义IP的条件就会把所有的记录都审核通过,加上IP条后又出错,大家救救我呀,我是菜鸟啊,现在都急死了。<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
<th width="6%" scope="col">序号</th>
<th width="37%" scope="col">品牌车型</th>
<th width="11%" scope="col">行驶路程</th>
<th width="11%" scope="col">出售价</th>
<th width="15%" scope="col">发布时间</th>
<th width="6%" scope="col">详情</th>
<th width="7%" scope="col">审核</th>
dim exec,conn
set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.open "driver={SQL Server};server=;UID=useruser1982;PWd=user19821982;Database=comcq"
set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM escar where re=0 order by id desc", conn,1,1
if rs.eof then
response.write"<tr><td bgcolor=#eeeeee><font color=red size=+1>对不起,暂无记录</font></td></tr>"
pages = request.querystring("pages")
if pages = "" then
pages = 1
end if
if pages <> "" and cint(pages) < 1 then
pages = 1
end if
pagesize = 20
rs.PageSize = pagesize
rs.CacheSize = pagesize
pagecount = rs.PageCount
if cint(pages) > pagecount then
pages = pagecount
end if
rs.AbsolutePage = pages
dim i
while not rs.eof and i < pagesize+(pages-1)*pagesize
i=i + 1