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Private Sub Query()

If all = False Then
If Text2 = "" And text3 = "" And text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '" _
& strcgmc & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And text3 = "" And text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '" _
& strwcdw & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" And text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjldj like '" _
& strhjdj & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" And text3 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjlsj like '" _
& strhjsj & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" And text3 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%' and nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And text3 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%'"
ElseIf Text2 = "" And text3 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and nsbjlsj like'" & strhjsj & "%'"
ElseIf Text2 = "" And text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and nsbjldj like'" & strhjdj & "%'"
ElseIf text3 = "" And text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and wcdw like'%" & strwcdw & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" And text3 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text2 = "" And text3 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text1 = "" And text3 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '" & strwcdw & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%'"
ElseIf Text2 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%'"
ElseIf text3 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%' and wcdw like '" & strwcdw & "%'"
ElseIf text4 = "" And Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%'"
ElseIf Text1 = "" And Text2 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where (nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "% ') and (nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & "%') and (zywcrs like '" & strwcr & "%')"

ElseIf Text1 = "" And text3 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & " 'and nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & " 'and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text1 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & " ' and wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"
ElseIf Text2 = "" And text3 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjlsj like '" & strhjsj & " 'and cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text2 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & " 'and cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf text3 = "" And text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & " 'and cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text1 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & " 'and nsbjlsj like'" & strhjsj & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text2 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & " 'and nsbjlsj like'" & strhjsj & "%'and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf text3 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "' and cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & " 'and nsbjlsj like'" & strhjsj & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf text4 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & " 'and cgmcz like'%" & strcgmc & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

ElseIf Text5 = "" Then
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like '%" & strcgmc & "' and wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "' and nsbjldj like '" & strhjdj & "%'and nsbjlsj like'" & strhjsj & "%' "

strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT where cgmcz like'%" & strcgmc & "%' and wcdw like '%" & strwcdw & "%' and nsbjlsj like'" & strhjsj & "%'and nsbjldj like'" & strhjdj & "%' and zywcrs like '%" & strwcr & "%'"

End If
strsql = "select cgbh as 成果编号,cgmcz as 成果名称,wcdw as 完成单位,nsbjldj as 获奖等级,nsbjlsj as 获奖时间 from CGZT"
End If

Adodc1.RecordSource = strsql
rs.Open strsql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
Adodc1.RecordSource = strsql
If rs.EOF = True And rs.BOF = True Then
MsgBox "没有找到您所需要的结果!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "注意"
Exit Sub
End If
'End If
End Sub

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: SQL 语句 
2006-03-30 13:09
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2006-3-30


卧梅又问花 我智慧中天 与闻卧失水
2006-03-30 13:13
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2006-3-30

卧梅又问花 我智慧中天 与闻卧失水
2006-03-30 16:32

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