Set Nulldisplay To Create Cursor ttt (name V(50), value V(250)) oWMI = GetObject('winmgmts://') *!* cQuery = 'Select * From Win32_Process' *!* 取这俩属性差不多够用了 cQuery = 'Select Caption,ExecutablePath From Win32_Process' oRes = oWMI.ExecQuery(cQuery) Clear For ii = 0 to oRes.Count - 1 For each o1 in oRes.ItemIndex(ii).Properties_ cVal = '' If o1.IsArray and !IsNull(o1.Value) For each o2 in o1.Value cVal = cVal + Transform(o2) + ',' EndFor Else cVal = Transform(o1.Value) EndIf Insert into ttt (name, value) Values (o1.name, cVal) EndFor Insert into ttt (name) Values ('====================') EndFor Locate Browse nowait
[此贴子已经被作者于2023-3-23 17:57编辑过]
*-- VFP Code #Define GW_NEXT 2 #define GW_CHILD 5 Declare Integer GetActiveWindow In user32 Declare Integer GetWindow In win32api Integer HWnd, Integer wFlag Declare Integer GetWindowTextA In win32api Integer hwnd, String @ctitle, Integer ntitle Declare Integer SetForegroundWindow In Win32api Integer DECLARE inte IsChild IN WIN32API integer Hwndparent,integer Hwnd Declare inte FindWindowEx IN win32api inte hWnd1,inte hWnd2, string lpsz1, string lpsz2 Declare Integer GetWindowText In win32api Integer hand, String @ctitle, Integer ntitle clea *hcurrent=findwindowex(_vfp.hwnd,0,null,null) hcurrent=findwindowex(0,0,null,null) *?hcurrent *hCurrent=GetActiveWindow() &&从当前活动窗口开始 *lnhCurrent=hCurrent *SetForegroundWindow(_vfp.HWnd) *SetForegroundWindow(_Screen.HWnd) &&或Thisform.HWnd *SetForegroundWindow(hCurrent) && vfp8 以下没有 HWnd *lcWinLists="" Create Cursor t1 (WindowHWnd I,WindowTitle C(254)) Do While hCurrent!=0 lcWinTitle=Space(255) lnlength=GetWindowTextA(hCurrent,@lcWinTitle,Len(lcWinTitle)) lcwintitle=SUBSTR(lcwintitle,1,lnlength) *lcWinTitle=Iif(lnlength>0,Strtran(Trim(lcWinTitle),Chr(0),""),"") Insert Into t1 Values (hCurrent,lcWinTitle) *hCurrent=findwindowex(_vfp.hwnd,hcurrent,null,null) &&得到下一个窗口句柄 hCurrent=findwindowex(0,hcurrent,null,null) &&得到下一个窗口句柄 *?ischild(_vfp.hWnd,hcurrent) *?hcurrent Enddo *SetForegroundWindow(lnhCurrent) Select t1 *Locate Browse *Clear Dlls