import xlrd import multiprocessing as mp from functools import partial import csv import random as rd def read_file(file): data=xlrd.open_workbook(file) names=data.sheet_names() res=[] for i in names: table=data.sheet_by_name(i) rows=table.nrows res.append([table.row_values(j) for j in range(rows)]) res=[[[j[0],j[1],j[2],tuple(j[3].split('A')[1:3]),j[4],j[3]] for j in i] for i in res] return(res,names) def write_file(file,res,names,maxlength): head=[k for j in [[i]+['']*4 for i in names] for k in j] f=open(file,'w',newline='') csvw=csv.writer(f) csvw.writerow(head) for i in range(maxlength): csvw.writerow([k for j in [data[i][:3]+data[i][:-3:-1] for data in res] for k in j]) f.close() def check(sample,data2,index,around): res=[] for i in sample: if around!=-1: temp=[j for j in data2 if i[index[0]]==j[index[0]] and i[index[1]]==j[index[1]] and abs(i[index[2]]-j[index[2]])<=around] else: temp=[j for j in data2 if i[index[0]]==j[index[0]] and i[index[1]]==j[index[1]] and i[index[2]]==j[index[2]]] if len(temp): res.append(temp[0]) else: break else: return(res) return([]) def cal(label,data,index,num,around): if len(data[label])>=num: sample=rd.sample(data[label],num) else: sample=data[label] temp=[check(sample,i,index,around) for i in data[:label]+data[label+1:]] if [j for i in temp for j in i]: return([sample]+temp) else: return([]) if __name__=='__main__': alphatdict=dict([[chr(i),i-65] for i in range(65,91)]) file = "test.xlsx" index=sorted([alphatdict[i] for i in input('需要比对的三列:').upper()]) if 4 in index: around=0 else: around=-1 num=4 filenum=10000 label=0 data,names=read_file(file) ff=partial(cal,data=data,index=index,num=num,around=around) while label<filenum: pool=mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) res=pool.map(ff,range(len(data))) pool.close() pool.join() res=[[k for j in i for k in j] for i in res] maxlength=max([len(i) for i in res]) res=[i+[['']*6]*(maxlength-len(i)) for i in res] if sum([len(i) for i in res]): write_file('res'+str(label+1)+'.csv',res,names,maxlength) label+=1 else: pass